Thursday, March 08, 2018

Plan Ahead for Saturday's Rock 'n' Roll Marathon [UPDATED]


The Rock 'n' Roll Marathon is headed our way this Saturday, and even if your plans for the day don't include turning out to cheer on the runners, this event is a little hard to ignore. Don't get caught off guard. Be aware of the courses that wind their way through our neighborhood and through much of the District. The map below shows the courses in our area, but if you are traveling you'll want to see the full map showing all courses.

Screen Shot 2018-03-07 at 9.45.50 PM

Here are closure and reopening times for local roads (you should check the full grid to be safe):

Screen Shot 2018-03-07 at 10.38.22 PM

Be aware this is separate from the list of streets with parking restrictions, which will be in effect from 12am to 12pm.

********************* UPDATE *********************
According to a Hill Rag article Charles Allen was able to get some of the parking restrictions lifted. The article, published March 7th, says MPD has agreed that they "will not ticket and tow cars parked in residential blocks on Capitol Hill." You'll still have to move your car if it's on a commercial street. Police also recommend moving your car if it's on a residential street too, but based on the info from the Hill Rag MPD it sounds like MPD won't do anything about it if you opt to ignore the suggestion. I don't see the special carve-out mentioned in this Washington Post article published yesterday (March 8th) which quotes a March 5th MPD advisory that says "The public should expect parking restrictions along the entire marathon route and should be guided by the posted emergency no parking signage. The public should also expect enforcement of these parking restrictions which may include ticketing and towing along the entire marathon route." So maybe just carefully, especially if you don't live on Capitol Hill and within Allen's Ward 6.

If you need to navigate around the closures and restrictions you can download the Waze app and check out the list of metering locations if you must cross the route.

If you're around...

H Street NE
  • Access lane provided at 4th & H St NE. Meter point at 8th & H St NE
  • Officers will meter vehicles across 13th St NE at Maryland Ave NE
Capitol Hill
  • Officers will meter vehicles across E. Capitol St NE at 4th, 6th, 8th, & 10th Streets NE.
  • There's also a handy Capitol Hill specific guide to help you deal with Marathon related complications.
If You Plan to Use Public Transportation...
Planning to take the bus? Pretty much all the local bus routes will detour on Saturday. Expect select bus routes in the District to be effected starting at 4am and continuing until 4pm. The streetcar will be closed Saturday morning, but should resume operations once the street is clear (possibly around 12pm).

Also, this is the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon, so there will be music starting pretty early Saturday morning. There are three stages near us. If you live near them, be prepared for a sound-check and such before they go live.

111 K St. / K St. NE and 1 St. NE (7:50am–12:30pm)
  • Albino Rhino (Funk, Rock & Jazz)
  • The Buzz Hounds (Mix of Rock/Alternative/Jam)

Auto Zone 1207 H St. NE / 12 St. NE (7:55am–12:50pm)

  • Q.O.K. Alternative Pop RocQ.O.K. Alternative Pop Rock
  • FIVES Indie Pop
21st NE / C St. NE (8am–1:15pm)
  • Mr. Blonde 90s/2000s Rock
  • The Crimestoppers Rock n Roll 


curmudgeon said...

The new parking restrictions are a real downer. Because of recovery from a serious back issue, I can't easily walk very far right now. So on Friday, I'm going to have to burn leave I really can't afford to use (again, because of all the leave I've unexpectedly had to use because of the back issue), to return home from work early enough to be able to park near my house, given all the additional people that'll be trying to park there because of the new parking restrictions along the route.

I loved these events 10 years ago; but each year they get to be more and more of a drag.

Anonymous said...

Or work Friday and taxi/uber/lyft home?

curmudgeon said...

Under normal circumstances, that'd be a good idea; but it's not physically possible for taxi/ridesharing services to get to where I work (can't get through the front gate, which in turn is ~3/4 of a mile from my building).

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up. But what happened to your monthly news re H Street in the Hill Rag?

inked said...

I had to skip a month due to what I'm just going to call completely unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances. It should be back next month.

inked said...

Sorry about your back. Definitely not fun. Here's a bit of good news that I did not see until after I left for work this morning. According to this Hill Rag article Charles Allen was able to get some of the parking restrictions lifted. The article, published March 7th, says MPD has agreed that they "will not ticket and tow cars parked in residential blocks on Capitol Hill." You'll still have to move your car if it's on a commercial street. Police also recommend moving your car if it's on a residential street too, but based on the info from the Hill Rag MPD it sounds like MPD won't do anything about it if you opt to ignore the suggestion. I don't see the special carve-out mentioned in this Washington Post article published today which quotes a March 5th MPD press release that says "The public should expect parking restrictions along the entire marathon route and should be guided by the posted emergency no parking signage. The public should also expect enforcement of these parking restrictions which may include ticketing and towing along the entire marathon route." So maybe just carefully, especially if you don't live on Capitol Hill and within Allen's Ward 6.