Thursday, May 10, 2018

Smokin' Pig BBQ Coming to H St. & DDP Expansion Confirmed, Catch Both at the ANC 6A ABL Comm. Mtg 5/15

1208 H Street NE when Kitty's Saloon called it home

PoPville has news that 1208 H Street NE, most recently occupied by Kitty's Saloon, will soon be home to Smokin' Pig BBQ Restaurant & Bar. Kitty's closed last fall. Kitty's was facing an ABRA hearing in December for a lack of ABC manager on duty and a transfer of their liquor license without the ABC Board's approval, but the hearing was canceled (there's a transcript of this) once it became clear Kitty's was out of business. According to a recent Instagram post the Smokin' Pig should open in mid-June.

If you are curious about this place, show up to the next Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Alcoholic Beverage Licensing Committee meeting on Tuesday, May 15th. The owners will be there to present their plans. The word on the street is that Smokin' Pig may share more than one owner with the now defunct Touché Live (1123 H Street NE).

Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 9.23.33 PM 

That rumor would seem to be confirmed by a peek at Touché Live's Instagram account. I think we can all agree that Smokin' Pig is a much better name for a bbq spot.

I wrote this last night, and this morning I woke up to see a copy of the agenda for Tuesday's ANC 6A ABL Committee meeting. The section on Smokin' Pig reads "Discussion of new establishment, Smokin’ Pig (1208 H Street NE), potential transfer of license from Touche (1123 H Street NE), and request for a stipulated license while the placard is pending." The meeting will be held at Sherwood Rec (640 10th Street NE). It starts at 7pm.

The Dangerously Delicious Pies shop all done up for the holidays this past December

Another item of interest on the meeting agenda is a "[d]iscussion of request by Dangerously Delicious Pies (1339 H Street NE, License No. ABRA-087422) for expansion to second floor with outdoor seating, and for a stipulated license while the placard is pending." A rumor about this expansion (including that it involves a rooftop deck) was recently mentioned on PoPville, but this is the first official confirmation I've personally seen.

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