Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Toast 12 Years of The Pug & Support a School History Project Feb. 13


The Pug (1234 H St. NE) is marking its 12th anniversary with a fundraiser in support of Payne Elementary's The Story of our Schools exhibit. Students at Payne Elementary (1445 C St. SE) are embarking on a remarkable journey through history with the help of teacher Juanita Stokes.

Ms. Stokes will guide the students as they participate in primary research, visit local archives and museums, interview long-time area residents, hear from guest speakers, and much more! Acting as ambassadors, our students will share their knowledge with the entire school community by visiting classrooms and leading activities for students.

By the end of the school year, our students will have gathered enough information to produce a museum-quality exhibit that will remain permanently installed on school grounds. The exhibit will deepen the community’s understanding of the history of the school community, inform and excite prospective families and residents, enhance parent and family engagement, and create engaging learning tools for teaching history, research skills, and critical thinking.

This project sounds amazing, and you can support it while helping The Pug celebrate its time here on H Street. Turn up tomorrow at The Pug and purchase a $20 ticket that will get you draft beer from 7–9pm. Proceeds will go to fund the Payne students' research and exhibit project.

When: Wednesday, Feb. 13 (7–9pm)
Where: The Pug (1234 H St. NE)

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