
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Local Briefing: Chupacabra Returns, Union Station History, & Power Outage Headaches for Local Businesses


Chupacabra (822 H St. NE) reopens for the season today to serve all you taco related needs. Their early spring hours are 11:30am–10pm Thursday through Sunday.

The Union Station Redevelopment Corporation will once again offer their popular History of Union Station tour on Saturday, May 18 (10am–11:30am). Participants "will hear about Daniel Burnham's vision, the station through two world wars, the 1980s restoration, present-day endeavors, and much more." Tickets are $30, and that includes a tote bag, a book, and parking vouchers for those who park in Union Station garage. Union Station is located at 50 Mass Ave. NE.

DCist covered Pepco supply issues that have frustrated some businesses in NE. Last Saturday's outage left many businesses in Ivy City and the Union Market area without power for hours (some places near Union Market were down for around 20 hours). The DCist article focuses on Ivy City, and looks at Gravitas (1401 Okie St. NE) where the author was enjoying the restaurant's inaugural brunch service. I was at Shouk (395 Morse St. NE) after they lost primary power and were running with partial power from a generator before they closed early for the day. I watched employees from nearby restaurants and Trader Joe's scramble to wheel carts of food and flowers for transport to reliable refrigeration. The power to many would not return until 8:30am the next morning.

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