Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Pre-Condo Demolition at 12th & Florida

Here are a few shots from the recent demolition in preparation for (what I'm told will be) 18 condo units.
They started in on a Friday & by Sunday the buildings were down. Pretty fast, considering how long the owners sat on the property. It makes me wonder when they'll start construction. Also, I was talking to someone the other day about how this space looks too big for 18 units. He said he thought this space had to be the same size as the lot for the New Yorker (located, oddly enough, at 3rd & L) & the New Yorker will have 40 units.


Anonymous said...

I drove by the demolition and noticed that the old building didn't appear to have a basement. I imagine its much easier to knock down a building when there are not any subterranean issues to deal with. The demolition of the building at 14th & E (more condos are going in) took over a week, probably because they had to root out all the underground construction. The revitilization of the city is really something to behold. I moved here from San Francisco and there was simply nowhere near as much building activity going on out there.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the New Yorker, have they started construction on that yet? The last time I checked about two or three months ago, they hadn't torn anything down.

With the Florida Avenue condos, how tall are the buildings going to be.

Anonymous said...

I was by the New Yorker today and they have done fuck all.