I checked the Council calendar, but could not identify what legislation this meeting might be concerning. I called Vincent Orange's office & they don't know anything. The said that they just heard about the legislation yesterday around 4:45pm. They don't know the name of the legislation, the type of legislation, or if it is on the schedule. The only info they have is that there is a flyer, they sent out the flyer, & more details will be available tonight at the meeting. To me, this sounds like a zoning thing. I don't think that there are any strip clubs planning to come to Mt. Olivet. But I do think that Mr. Orange is running for Mayor.
I have been in Trinidad a little over a year and this is the first time that I have even heard about Orange taking any type of action in Ward 5.
That being said, Mt. Olivet Road is a bad place for a strip club to set up shop. The residents of Trinidad are trying to make things better in the neighborhood and this type of business would definitely retard any progress already made.
I'm not endorsing the strip clubs here (I agree that they are probably not a great idea). I want to know the location. Don't forget that Webb Elementary is on Mt. Olivet, so that limits where they could put that kind of club. I would actually love to go to this meeting, but I'm stuck finishing a paper due tomorrow morning & there is no way I can take the time. If anyone does go (I promise it won't be dull), let me know what happens & I'll post it.
This is way out there speculation... but could this be related to the gay clubs that have to move out of the baseball stadium area? I know there is a movement to find them a new zone. There are a couple straight of strip joints in that area also that are looking for a new home. Maybe it is a "Dream" come true or isn't it "Love" these days?
I don't understand. Is there really a strip club trying to get a place on Mt. Olivet? What's the vote that is creating an emergency? I'm not saying I'm pro strip club. Not anti either, really. But definitely against hysteria without facts, and I haven't seen any. Remember the rumor that ShowBar would have strippers?
Is this really an issue? I'm not fond of strips clubs, but where would it go. Most of Mt. Olivet is residential anyway with a small strip of businesses. Best place for the displaced strip clubs would be to put them off of Bladensburg.
I really think that this just some kind of vote on zoning issues. I doubt there are any clubs actually expressing interest in moving to Mt. Olivet.
Yup, Vincent Orange is running for mayor. And way behind in the polls. That explains it.
And this is the issue that is going to magically make him a contender?
Clearly not, but he may be slightly more motivated to boost his visibility in the community right now. I don't know. Go to the meeting & fill us all in on what's up.
Today on WAMU's DC politics hour a caller asked about this. The way he described it was that the city was trying to move displaced gay-oriented businesses in the new stadium area. They would go to sites "off of New York Avenue" the caller claimed.
Maybe that's what Orange is talking about?
It could be that the caller has heard something (there are all kinds of rumors going around about where those places might reopen), or it could even be that the caller saw Vincent Orange's flyer/email & made the same jump someone else did earlier. You can access the audio archives of the Kojo Namdi Show's DC Politic Hour by going to WAMu's website.
Who cares if there are strip clubs moving there. Strip clubs are fun. Is this evidence of how sexually repressed our society has become.
I agree. And the gay strip clubs down in SE also have great drag shows. I, for one, will be glad if they come to our neighborhood. The gay bath house over in Logan hasn't hurt that neighborhood. Bring it on.
It's Graham's bill: “The One-Time Relocation of Licensees Displaced by the Ballpark Amendment Act of 2006” I'm not a zoning expert and don't understand the implications of that part, but I don't see that it's likely a club would open on Mt. Olivet. It just doesn't seem like the best location. Certainly not worth having a very rare emergency community meeting.
Thanks for the info Deb G., I don't Mt. Olivet is exactly an ideal location. Then again, Dream (or whatever it is called now) seems to have done okay in Ivy City. At any rate, I'm suspicious about the real motives for the meeting.
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