Friday, July 28, 2006

Rebuilding Place: Rebuilding a District

Richard writes about the branding of districts, and about H Street more specifically.


Anonymous said...

Should we rebrand the H street name, so that Richard will stop thinking that he "owns"it?

Anonymous said...

H street has a long way to go before it is a destination for bars that I really want to go to. Until single women feel safe walking on that street late at night I predict that the street will have a lot of trouble being successful as an entertainment district. The reason why I go to bars is ussually to get laid. And if there is noone at a bar that I would want to get with i probably won't come back for a long time

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:09pm says:

"The reason why I go to bars is ussually to get laid."


WOW! - Don't you think that's a tad bit too much information. BTW, safety issues on H St should be the least of your concerns -- Have you seen the HIV/AIDS Stats in DC?

Anonymous said...

#1 - Give Richard some credit; I don't agree with everything he writes, but he is clearly doing some hard thinking about what it would take to revitalize H street and has put out variety of substantive ideas about what would work in that regard. Richard mentioned that Phish Tea "failed." Perhaps I'm out of the loop on this one, but did Phish Tea close?

Anonymous said...

i don't know about you, but I don't go around raw dogging it. Safe sex.

inked said...

Phish Tea is still open, but many people feel that they have not met the expectations of many patrons.

inked said...

And on the unrelated topic of the other anonymous, I think we'd all do well to recall that condom are neither 100% infallible when used properly, nor good protection against every variety of STD (including some of the most common, yet incurable, ones).

Anonymous said...

That may be so but they are pretty damn safe. You need to stop qouting facts about condom use that are put out there by the Christian Coalition. And if you are referring to herpes, it sucks but it is not life threatening.

inked said...

That's hardly a Christian Coalition "fact". Condoms are great (and around 99% efective when use correctly -which not everyone does), but they don't protect against all incidents of sexually transmitted diseases like herpes, or HPV (both of which are quite common).

Richard Layman said...

I guess I don't mind that my blog doesn't generate as many comments as FT...

Phish Tea has failed economically. They are in default on their lease, and likely when the building sells--it is for sale--Phish Tea won't continue.

For thoughts about this, see this image as well as this discussion:

Richard's Rules for Restaurant-Driven Revitalization (Updated).

I've heard an art gallery is looking at the space. I don't know if they intend a restaurant-gallery type thing.

Speaking of analysis, I am less interested in H Street anymore (although it is fair to say that it is burnout and other issues, as Elise alluded to in her BID entry of the other day), except as a wonderful "unit of analysis" that contributes to my further understandings about urban revitalization.

Alas, because I can't keep my mouth shut, I still write about H Street, people ask for my advice and consultation, and I still offer suggestions to various parties. It's hard to let it go.

Anonymous said...

Back to anon. #309, what a pathetic chump! There are plenty of atractive women about, and the fact that you have to search so vainly says more about you than the bars on H St. Maybe your frat-boy self shopuld be hanging out somewhere else anyway (I would recommend Rumonrs at 19th and M St.).

Anonymous said...


Please ignore frivilous comments as noted in Anon 5:45 and PLEASE continue to share your thoughts and ideas about H Street.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. I was in Argonaut last night and it was full of young people downing 1/2 price hamburgers. So Anon 3:09 could try there.
It's a shame about Phish Tea. We've got to get out and eat at these places.