Wednesday, April 25, 2007

In Shaw: Florida Market Meeting

Mari from In Shaw's got a post re: the Florida Market meeting last night. Check out her view, and I'll post something on the topic later. We had a good turnout last night, but there were still lots of empty seats (I attended the second meeting). I think the Office of Planning did a great job of getting the word out. Lots of people stood up to ask questions/give comments. I heard that around 10 people gave comments at the first meeting. It is really terrific that they are doing a study like this.


Anonymous said...

Did anyone else make it other than Mari and Inked?

I'm curious to hear opinions about the meeting.

It sounds like it was a VERY preliminary meeting.

Alan Page said...

I was there. I asked the question about the job base of the farmer's market versus how many jobs would be created by any of the potential new development uses. Thye had no answer. It was sort of a waste of time for me because it looked like the key economic predictions that I needed to see to make some sort of objective value judgment on use weren't part of the data set they had collected.

Sadly, I forget the name of the lady behind me who asked for my pen, although she knew my name. I also sat next to a lady who reminded me of Mati Hari of legendary spy fame. I was waiting for her to assassinate one of the speakers, but alas, no high tech spy action ensued. I did get a smile out of her though. Mission accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Hehe. That's pretty funny.
Sounds like none of us should have missed the meeting, even if only for the scenery!

I think that the deal with the meeting is that it was a "kick off" to a study that they'll be doing.

Perhaps they'll have answers to your questions once the study is over.

That'll be the time that officials will have to make some tough decisions.

Anonymous said...

Reading the In Shaw piece am I right that the city has another lever to use here...the fact that the area's not zoned properly for the New Town project? Or is that in the legislation...meaning if the legislation were passed it would 'fix' the zoning, allowing the project to go ahead?

Richard Layman said...

in DC, Zoning is independent. In other words, City Council can't legislate zoning. Although V. Orange amended the area element of the Comp Plan saying that housing should be in this area. That would mean a rezoning.

Anonymous said...

Having said that...

DC does rezone on occasion.

I beleive that NoMa was zoned for commercial, but they're throwing in a lot of upcoming residential developments there...

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's the weather, but I'm very surprised at the lack of individuals opining on the meeting.

I'm so used to the vociferous, if not adamant, opinions on this blog - particulary with regards to the market.

I have to say that I find this VERY interesting.

Hopefully we'll hear some more from the gung-ho'sers that aim to incentivate, captivate and activate New Town rebels.

Or perhaps not. I'm sure we're all busy with "other" commitments...

Anonymous said...

Dear Lazy Anonymous 8:33 Person -- speaking only for myself, I was at my job -- those darn things do get in the way. But since I couldn't make it, I contacted Jeff Davis at the DC planning office, and got from him a brief description of the meeting, as well as his promise that the PPT presentation will be coming online soon. I'm very much hoping I can get off work for the meeting on the 30th. What about you? What are your comments on the meeting?

5a642d062e said...

I won’t be able catch either meeting as I am working in Canberra, Australia till mid May. I guess I’ll be checking the site for the material after they are posted. If an attendee has an email feedback method or materials to share, I’d be interested.

Richard Layman said...

Regular commercial zoning (C or CR) allows residential. Commercial manufacturing (CM) or Manufacturing (heavy industry vs. light industry, M) does not.