Friday, June 22, 2007

Globe St.: New Town @Capital City Market

Here's another story on Apollo's recently announced involvement with the New Town proposal. Although the story doesn't mention it, the project requires not only Council approval, but the approval of the owners of 50% of the land in order to trigger the eminent domain provision the developer needs in order to seize the rest of the land. The New Town proposal concerns the Florida Market.


Anonymous said...

from what i understand, the owners are just about 51% in agreement with the new proposal.

NOT THE RENTERS of the spaces.


big difference. the owners have to agree to the plan, not the retards that lease the spaces and dirty up the market.

so.... looks like we can all look forward to a revamped market, and some killer strip clubs, all within the same quadrant.

if we could only get a harris teeters nearby, everything would be perfect.

pray that the stars align themselves soon...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


litteri's excluded, of course.

i've actually cleaned up after some of the "other stores".

they through crap on the sidewalk, they don't clean up.

one .... woman... from one store was litterally going through old vegetables, and throwing the bad ones on the sidewalk. she then proceeded to sweep the trash into the gutter, and then lockeded the 'store' up.

yeah, let's advocate that kind of behaviour.

she's a perfect example of why the city/oh is going to clean the place up.

if you don't live near the market, you have no idea of the rat problem...

or the prostitution...

or the drugs...

so glad we have a heavy hitter that is going to finance the market.

patriot could have single handedly financed the new stadium. but they didn't. they're stepping up to the market. it's GOING TO HAPPEN.

naysayers, vegans, and midwest transplants that have only used spraypaint to fix their bicycles beware, your'e little craphole is going to change, like it or not.

thank the gods.

:o) btw, folks, don't take everything w/a grain of salt. i'm not TOTALLY serious about what i post. but i do reflect a bunch of folks' thoughts on the area. and no, i'm not from ohio, michigan, minnesotta, or those other states.