Thursday, June 07, 2007

TIC Garden Club Planting & Meet & Greet

The Trinindad-Ivy City Garden Club will be out planting this Sunday from 9am-11am. Meet at the corner of Morse & Montello.

Also join us for a follow-up meet & greet from 1 PM -3 PM
at 1159 and 1163 Morse Street

*if you are worried about the gap between these two events, don't be. I'm pretty sure some of us will hang out in the meantime.


Anonymous said...

Could someone please tell me what constitutes the "Trinidad" area (i.e. streets that are boundaries of the neighborhood)?

inked said...

The official boundaries are Mt. Olivet Rd to the North, Bladensburg Road to the East. Florida Ave to the South, & West Virginia Ave to the West.
However, if you are property tax records you will notice that portions of Carver Terrace/Langston will list their location as Trinidad (which sometimes means that these areas wind up getting described as being in Trinidad even though they are really parts of distinct neighborhoods). But really these two neighborhoods (and Ivy City, as well as Gallaudet University & the Florida Market) are tied to Trinidad pretty closely because we share not only an ANC, but also a PSA (and the Single Member Districts cross the neighborhood lines). One note is that you sometimes see the Carver Terrace & Langston neighborhoods lumped in with Kingman Park (for instance, the Post will have a story on a shooting at 18th & L and call it Carver Terrace & the next week they'll run a piece about the conviction of a drug dealer who operated in the 1800 block of L Street & call it Kingman Park). In my experience, most people who live north of Benning Road call it Carver Terrace, or Langston.

Anonymous said...

Thanks inked :)

Megan said...

Hey, it was great to meet you guys the other day. Linus was so tired that he came home and collapsed, so thanks for that!

Please keep me posted on further meetings!