Thursday, January 03, 2008

ANC 6A Meeting 1/10

Left in the comments:

Joseph Fengler said...

Anyone interested in ANC 6A, please visit our website at We have a handful of very active volunteer committees – dealing with issues ranging from zoning, to liquor licenses, to transportation - and we welcome anyone’s participation.

At our next ANC 6A meeting on January 10, 2008, we will be providing a "snap shot" update on H Street. Our meeting starts at 7:00pm and is held at Miner Elementary School – the 600 block of 15 Street, NE. The following people have confirmed their participation:

Director Moneme and Ms. Karina Ricks from DDOT, will discuss the H Street NE Streetscape project to include status of the contract, tentative construction plans (where will construction start) and the status of ordering the street cars funded in the FY 2008 budget. Time 10 - 12 minute presentation with 5 - 10 minutes of questions and answers.

Mr. Woody, from the Mayor’s office of Economic Development, will provide a short update on the following: (1) Great Streets Neighborhood Retail Priority Area, (2) Target Building Improvements - Corridor Wide and (3) Mixed Use Development Partner to Build a Bigger and Better R. L. Christian Library in a Mixed Use Building. Time 10 - 12 minute presentation with 5 - 10 minutes of questions and answers.

Mr. Saleem, the Director of HSMS, will provide an update on the clean and safe program for H Street and the on-going efforts for the facade improvement program. Time 5 minute presentation with 5 - 7 minutes of questions and answers.

Councilmember Wells and Brown will be on hand to participate as well.

We have also invited the following:

Mr. Barrow, from [the] H Street [Community Development Corporation] has declined to participate, but will be in attendance at the meeting.

Mr. Rappaport, who owns the H Street Connection located at 8th and H Street, NE, has been invited to participate and we are still waiting to see if he will attend the meeting.

For all residents, this will be a good opportunity to meet your Councilmember, the key players on H Street as well as your local ANC representatives.


Joseph Fengler, Commission 6A02


Richard Layman said...

ANCs can be crappy--most are--or great. ANC6A is great, the exception that proves that by expanding capacity by including non-elected community members on committees, even as chairs, that great things can be accomplished.

Many thanks are owed to Joe Fengler and his colleagues--elected and non-elected--who have come together to do hard and intelligent work to move the neighborhood forward, often at the sacrifice of other things that they wish they could do.

I may try to come to this meeting myself.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that was a typo - Mr. Barrow is from H Street Community Development Corporation. What was I thinking?

Anonymous said...

>> Mr. Barrow, from H Street Main Street has declined to participate

Why am I not surprised?

Anonymous said...

... about his failure to participate-- not about the typo.

Anonymous said...

Hehe, hehehe. He said "Woody". Hehe!

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% with Mr. Laymen for a change (and he was brief!). I think we have a great ANC. I wish all the representatives were as responsive to their constituents as some of the others. I guess that's what elections are for.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone ever post an update summarizing this meeting?