Thursday, January 03, 2008

Some New Developments

I've updated the Hangouts and Haunts to reflect some new activity, including the announcement of some new coming attractions. Check it out here. Trust me, it is worth clicking through.


Anonymous said...

...tater tots? Thanks Inked. There are a lot of new gems in there...if all this stuff happens the street is gonna rock.

YL said...

Duckpin bowling: Woot! So exciting.

Also, there appears to be work underway in the retail/restaurant space on the Southwest corner of 6th and H. Any word?

Anonymous said...

how does 'victorian' duckpin bowling differ from just plain old duckpin bowling?

Anonymous said...

duckpin bowling is just like real bowling, but with smaller pins and smaller balls. scroll to the bottom of the following link to see a picture of the lanes in baltimore:

Unknown said...

Hey Guys,
Question. Does Sova has free wifi? My normal wifi hangout (Murky Coffee) has become increasingly crowded lately. Trying to find a new place I can work at during the day. Thanks!

inked said...

Yes, SOVA has free wifi.

Anonymous said...

John-SOVA's free wi-fi uses a service that requires a code to be entered. Just ask for a card for the wi-fi as you're ordering your coffee, etc., if they don't hand you one.

Poo poo-thanks for the bowling infoo Miniature golf and bowling in the neighborhood. Too much.

Anonymous said...

great update! i'm sure keeping up with all of these developments and keeping us informed takes a lot of work. thank you very much, inked.

how freaking awesome is this blog??

answer: VERY!

Anonymous said...

But the question that was asked was not "how is duckpin different from regular bowling." It was "how is 'victorian duckpin' different from regular duckpin."

I dunno the answer to the question, but I'm guessing the "victorian" adjective refers not to a specific type of duckpin rules, but to the interior design of the place. A quick Google on "victorian duckpin" turned up nothing, which suggests to me that it's not a type of duckpin per se.

Anonymous said...

So, is the BBQ/Blues place on the 1200 block is going to occupy all 3 buildings?

Anonymous said...

So the "coming soons" are:

- art gallery at 1358 Florida.
- smoke shop/cigar bar at 1006 Florida.
- duckpin bowling at 1421 H.
- diner/cocktail lounge at 1380 H (the former Ohio Restaurant).
- bbq and blues at 1356/1358 H.
- art gallery at 1354 H.
- pizza and roots music concert hall at 1350/1352 H.
- miniature golf/pool/SW food at 1335 H.
- pan-Asian food at 1224 H.
- misc. American food/live entertainment/pool at 1123 H.
- unknown bar/lounge in 1000 block of H.
- restaurant/lounge at 914 H.

Given the current economic climate for opening new businesses -- described by Joe Englert at the November ANC6A Alcoholic Beverage Committee as being really awful -- this is an amazing list. I can't help but wonder how many of these will actually come off, and how many will never leave the drawing board. Still, though, even if only a half of these become reality, It's good news to see stuff happening.

inked said...

Kenny G,
the bar-b-que place will occupy two buildings, 1356 and 1358. Mickey's is 1360 and I'm told the owner won't even return phone calls from interested buyers, so I don't think we'll be seeing any changes anytime soon.

Chris from Eckington has mentioned a place opening at the intersection of 6th and H. Does anyone know anything about this?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great update, Inked. Many exciting things here, particularly a revitalized Ohio.

If we could just find a buyer for Sun and Moon grocery across the street ( - price has dropped to $750k), this block would be in business.

Any chance the address for the bowling place is wrong? That building seems too small. Also, it's still for sale --

A bowling place could be really great though.

Anonymous said...

chris m.

Victorian Duckpin Bowling is simply a marketing thing. there are some games and rules that date from that period by which some leagues still abide. to get folks more involved, they coined the term.

you could call it pre-industrial duckpin bowling, but it really doesn't have the same ring.


Anonymous said...

oh, and someone mentioned this before, there's an ice cream joint on the west end of H.

are we not including it because it's defunct? or is it just not worth the mention?

not being a jerk, just asking...

inked said...

Nate, 1421 is the address I was given, and that's Horton's. The listing says it goes all the way to Maryland Ave, so perhaps it's bigger than it looks.

inked said...

Poo Poo,
I'm not aware of an ice cream place on the west end. There was going to be one at 1358, but that's now part of the bar-b-q joint.

Anonymous said...

hey, inked.

i walked by the place the other day and it has a big sign out front.

i'll try and snap a pic and send it to you in the next few days.

didn't you have a post where they said they were closed during the winter, and only up during the summer?

or am i having another flashback episode again....

Anonymous said...

Which corner of 6th & H is this new restaurant suppose to be at? There is a Jamaican on one corner, Murry's on another, Check Cashing and an empty spot that lately someone has been working on it.

I live near 6th & H and I would rather see more happening down here. Why is everything clustered in a one or two block area? Has someone made a deal somewhere?


Anonymous said...

Joe Englert said:
It is virtually impossible to find a reasonable or sometimes even a sane building owner on the west end of H. Look for this part of the street to seriously lag behind the east end for years. Everybody thinks their 1500 sq ft building is worth $5 million. It isn't a conspiracy. Just a fact that people are hanging in there for a huge payday. Nothing wrong or illegal about it......but it would be nice if someone would take $1 million for a bulding that in some cases cost less than $50,000 to buy........Any way, more power to these folks and hope their ship comes in, too!

Anonymous said...

i have a 1000+ square foot joint next to senate square, wanna talk?

i'm NOT at all in the $5 mil market.....

Anonymous said...

The development next to senate square is being held up because harris teeter pulled out. If enough people convince trader joe or someone else to step in that development will happen. Anwar mention that the 600 block of H St will begin next year. At the same time the street scape is happening.

inked said...

Poo Poo,
might you be thinking of Philadelphia Water Ice? They are closed for the winter, but will reopen in the spring.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, like Inked said, that sounds like Philadelphia Water Ice, except they're on the east end. Maybe the two places are getting confused? I dunno. I was bummed that Philadelphia Water Ice closed for the season -- I understand the reasoning, but I go there for the cheesesteaks, which are actually pretty good.

Oh, and poo poo, thanks for the explanation re: Victorian duckpin. I've bowled candlepin before, and thought candlepin and duckpin were the same; but via Wikipedia I'm now seeing that they're not.

inked said...

Chris, I'm just saying that I don't know of anything like that on the east end. There might be something. I just don't know about it.

Anonymous said...

The ice cream shop on the 1300 block seems pretty close to being open. I am not sure of the address but I believe it is same location as the proposed bar-b-que place.

inked said...

Jack, they do have the same address, which is why I'm thinking the ice cream plan has maybe been replaced by the bar-b-q plan.

Anonymous said...

inked when you say "A wood burning pizza oven delivering top notch pies" do you actually mean delivering as in to my door?

i would LOVE for a good pizza delivery place to open!

inked said...

No, sorry but I meant delivering as in turning out, or producing when I wrote about the pizza place. DC is currently experiencing a proliferation of really great pizza places, and I imagine this place will be more like those. I don't think any of them deliver.