Friday, March 07, 2008

Powering the Streetcar

The Examiner reports on the debate over how to fuel H Street's streetcars.


Anonymous said...

bummer! H street short changed by the city, yet again.
I'm starting to think that we will lucky to get the red bus on H.


Anonymous said...

I don't think this spells the end of the streetcars. But it does highlight the point, in my opinion, that DC needs to really think about the whole Streetcar set up and implementation. I've been pointing out for awhile that DC only has one Streetcar on order as of right now. This cars take years to build -- hence, if you want streetcars running by the proposed dates you better order them now if not soon.

I thought Lemke's comment about not obstructing the views to the monuments was pretty funny. Can you even see any monuments from H Street as it is? How can you obstruct a view that isn't there to begin with??

Anonymous said...

Is this really true? If so, this is a huge disappointment to hear! It would be nice if some official out there would give us an honest assesment of the streetcar status...but who do you believe anymore?

I also found it interesting that the article would say:
"The city also is planning to lay streetcar tracks along H Street Northeast, though much of that corridor — as far east as Florida Avenue — falls within the historic L’Enfant City." So H St. falls within the "historic L'Enfant City", but yet can't acheive Historic District status. What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

What technically defines L'Enfant City?

YL said...

Also note that the DECISION about what type of power to use is more than 2 years off, which makes me think we are at least 5 years from any rumbling trolleys. Still love to see it happen, but chances are I'll be sold out and moved on long before I ever see rails on H.

Anonymous said...

I agree with "yl", between the crime, the amplified hate speech at 8th & H, and now possibly little progress with the trolly and elected official seemingly uninterested in addressing it, I'll likely sell out in a couple of years too. Its beginning to become more discouraging around here than hopeful.

Anon. 12:54, L'enfant City is the original street plan for DC, though I'm unsure of its borders other than the fact that FL Ave. was the Northeastern most border.

Anonymous said...

"I thought Lemke's comment about not obstructing the views to the monuments was pretty funny. Can you even see any monuments from H Street as it is? How can you obstruct a view that isn't there to begin with?"

The point is, that since H St will be the earliest tram, what is chosen here could become the defacto standard for the city when/if the envisioned other lines are added...

Anonymous said...

the "L'Enfant City" is the original city of Washington, DC planned by P. L'Enfant. In our area, Florida ave (AKA Boundary Street) was the northern border.The eastern boundary was about 15th until C street, then it run along the Anacostia river. Many of our deeds have "Old city" on them.

I think that it's pretty stupid of DOT to intentionally break the law I now wonder,if they ever really intend to build it.

Anonymous said...

How about Solar Powered Cars.
They could have docking stations at either end where they would get enough of a charge to traverse the route, and their batteries could get a boost from solar cells on the roof of the cars.

I bet it would not take much energy to send a car down H St. on rails, especially with today's Hybrid technology.

Anonymous said...

Anybody who wants to see the old maps, check it out on the historic map page of
BTW, I would love to hear any suggestions for how to improve the Trinidad-dc web site. I try to leave the frequently updated information to the Yahoo groups and blogs (and there are links to those on the site), but is there any other info that should be up there to make it more useful?
Thx, Rob
Hey, PS, when are we going to get those banners or flags that were discussed a while back?

Anonymous said...

laws can change.

dc has so many antiquated laws. they should hire some folks to research them and clean things up.

there was a time when women were not allowed to vote. as far as i know, that law was changed.

how come dc can't get rid of some of their stupid laws?


yp_fred_washington_416 said...

I vote for having the streetcars pulled by horses. Very old-timey, very eco-friendly. The tourists would love it. We can collect the poop and ship it off to washington gas for methane generation.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone in Tommy Wells' office can shed some light on what's been written in The Examiner about the streetcars.

Councilman Wells, please tell us this story is completely false!

Anonymous said...

I think the story said it was a Federal law, not DC.

Anonymous said...

Oh...come on Anon. 2:46. The crime is no worse, most likely better, than it was when you moved in, the 'Hate Speach' isn't that regular these days (and can still be stopped) and the street cars weren't coming for years anyway. While I like the idea of street cars, I don't think they really would have improved things that much; it's mostly the novelty.
And most importantly, things along H St. are getting much better! The problem with the internet age we live in is that we get instant access to information the second it comes out, then we expect it to happen overnight. Things are moving surprisingly quickly, yet still people have no patience. It's as though the second Joe Englert started buying up spots and DC announced the refurbishing of H St., everybody expected it to instantly become Upper NW.

Alan Page said...

solar power, wind power, both would be great options.

surely this wire law can be overturned since there is no view of the capitol from h street?

inked said...

I've got to agree with Anon 841. This area has made tremendous progress over the past few years. The differences are quite stark. I always figured we wouldn't see any streetcars anytime soon. What we will see is a dedicated bus that, I think, will not stop as frequently as the X2. This could actually be a big deal if they could run it frequently. While I understand the idea is to get people accustomed to riding the route of the new metro line, I wish the bus would run from Chinatown to maybe 17th and loop back around Hechinger Mall before heading back down H to Chinatown. That way you would have good metro connectivity and get the maximum number of people to and off H Street quickly. The X2 would continue to serve Minn. Ave.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Parking has become horrendous around the East end of H Street! I spent over an hour cruising for parking this weekend. It doesn't help that the Atlas valet has no dedicated parking facility but, rather, uses residential street parking!

Anyone from the Atlas care to comment on long-term plans for instituting proper valet service, with a dedicated lot/garage?

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that I remember there has been laws put into place or just adopted and will go into place governing valet parking. I think that it pretty much works this way all over the city....they just find somewhere in the neighborhood.

Tom A. said...

b posted a link to some great old maps. Did anyone else notice that where Heckinger Mall is used to be a CEMETERY?


Alan Page said...

why in he name of god can't the atlas get a parking deal with hechinger mall? they have loads of parking. or autozone? with one security guy (or two) at hechinger to prevent breakins, that spot could handle all the atlas district traffic by itself.

Tom A. said...

soul searcher, scores of people use Heckinger parking "illegally" to take the bus every day. Would think the same rules (or lack there of) apply at night. I'm not sure if there are "mall parking only" signs or not.

Anonymous said...

Forget the street car. Do you really think it will be able to go anywhere when everyone double parks? Police don't even try to enforce the parking laws....what makes people think a trolley that can't get around a parked car can go places?

Richard Layman has said that the trolley with permanent tracks tells people that something will be coming. I think he forgets the days in the Metro before they had digital signs to tell you when the next metro cars were coming. Back then you could see tracks and could only hope a train was coming soon. The same will be for the trolley.

A good solution to the transpo problem would be energy efficient buses that are clean and actually had drivers who were accountable to someone when they sucked. Drivers who stack three buses in a row should be fired.

The new bus system could incorporate some new space age technology called GPS. GPS could tell the command center when that hasn't been a bus going west on Hst NE for 22 minutes. Then they could do something weird like reroute the friggin bus.

We could modernize the bus stops to incorporate signs to tell you when the next bus would arrive just like on the metro.

While I am at it I will save the pedestrian safety issue in DC.
-Educate the pedestrian on safety
-Educate drivers on safety
-Enforce all traffic laws

If cops would ever ticket cars and ticket stupid jaywalkers there would be less accidents. The other day I saw on elderly lady blowing kisses at a cop as she jaywalked in front of them.

Anonymous said...

Kenny and everyone, we appreciate your frustration with parking. It is one of the stickiest issues we deal with here. Trust me it's something have always been thinking about from before this building was touched. We could not build a lot and the city has no interest in doing so either. Of course we are a long walk from metro and like it or not most people won't take the bus.

The valet company we have been using is being reevaluated. We actually have secured agreements with a few lots, including Hechinger mall and Miner Elementary. We have been told by some arts partners and the valet company that it is too far away and scary to use those lots. We are hoping to have a different company in place in time for the next show here and we will urge them to use these lots. But the distance is a major factor for the valets and the individuals.

And Autozone is a private company that has so far been unwilling to allow our performers and patrons to park there. They tow cars regularly.

Anon 7:32 is right that most valets in town don't have access to a lot, they use street parking and make a note of where they put the cars.

Our parking issues go beyond just finding places for audiences to park but also places for the performers. Just to give you an example, the Washington Savoyards generally employs a 35 member orchestra and and have about a 20-25 person cast for each show, and of course backstage crew. Most of those people want to drive themselves. We do have the shuttle that our weekend patrons use. And we are really hoping that the proposed shuttle bus Tommy Wells has put forth will happen.

Speaking as an 8 year resident resident of this neighborhood, I have long known that the sweet days of being assured a spot in front of my house are numbered. (And I confess that I get totally annoyed when I can't park in front of my door...but I also that's just a ridiculous attitude on my part.)
Much like residents in other areas adjacent to busy, thriving districts we are all going to have to deal with the inconvenience but reality of urban living. If it's not our patrons parking in front of your house it might be someone checking out Granville's or maybe someday Sticky Rice. It's the price we all will pay for the neighborhood's success. I for one am pretty happy about it.

That aside please be assured that we are always trying to find a workable solution to this situation for everyone. It is our intention to work with the community to find a solution, and in all seriousness if there are folks who have some ideas about this please do contact me.

Anonymous said...

Who is the owner/manager of the Auto Zone? Can we start a boycott or letter writing campaign? Of course the majority of their business probably comes from PG County though, so don't know if a residential complaint would really do much good.

Anonymous said...

Leave Auto Zone out of this. Just like you wouldn't like somebody to park in your garage or driveway on Saturday night, AZ has the right to not allow public parking on their private lot. With that said, I've never had a problem parking at AZ late at night when I was entertaining friends. To my understanding, it's okay to park there after the store's closed