Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fitness Together Opening

Check out the personal training studio's open house April 25th from 8am-9pm. I'm told they'll be doing free fitness assessments. Fitness Together is located at 408 H Street.


Anonymous said...

Is there really that much of a demand for one-on-one personal training on Hst? That's the third fitness place now.

I welcome them and hope that they do really well though as good health is important.

Anonymous said...

I am all for more fitness resources on H street. I am a little confused why they feature so many pictures of toilets on their web-site. Is H Street in such distress that indoor plumbing is considered a virtue?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what website you were looking at, but I went through the whole site this morning and didn't see any toilets.

I think this looks interesting. I like the one and one aspect as I can't ever seem to do the gym thing.

Anonymous said...

The toilet photos seem odd to me, too. That said, it looks like a nice place!

Liz said...

amkindc -- if you go to the site and click 'about fitness together' then scroll down - there are pictures of the place, including two of toilets.

Tom A. said...

I concur with J. I'm interested in a gym, but not 1:1 individual training at 50+ bucks a pop. (Or whatever the cost is!)

Mike said...

Technically, this is the fourth fitness place on H Street, and the third in the two blocks from 4th to 6th:

Fitness Together - 400 block
Bikram Yoga - 400 block
Total U (Tae Bo) - 500 block
Will Power - 1000 block

For those like Tom who are interested in a gym, I would definitely recommend checking out Will Power. I've been a member since they opened a year and a half ago, and the improvements in that time have been significant.

It's still not a Results or a Washington Sport & Health, but it has all of the machines and free weights you're likely to be looking for, as well as classes in spinning, kickboxing and other disciplines. They also offer personal training on site, and the membership and training rates are definitely reasonable.

Anonymous said...

I never thought there would be so much discussion around toilets. I believe the owner was trying to emphasize the fact that you can come in a feel at home, without being at home. They have a nice private facililty and I can even take a shower before I go to work! I don't have to worry about cleanliness. yeah! My workouts are great. If you want results and private coaching, as well as a nutritional plan, check it out.