Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's A Wonderful City

Here's a rather longish short film, It's A Wonderful City, from the Beverly Hills Planning Department. Essentially it's It's A Wonderful Life redone to show the importance of zoning and planning review. Perhaps, in addition to you guys, some people from BZA might want to check it out. Via Cyburbia.


Anonymous said...

HA HA HA. Screw that Cyburbia douchebag.

inked said...

From my interaction with others who have dealt with Dan, he's quite a nice guy. I think they just have some funding issues right now, and it's unfortunate that he feels like the redheaded stepchild, because it is a very fine site, and in no way lesser than Planetizen. Just different.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm missing the joke (wouldn't be the first time), but is your Cyburbia link pointing where you want?

inked said...

No, thanks Chris.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, I thought the Wonkette link was a deliberate middle finger to Dan and his grating insistence on appropriate homage being paid to his site.