Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Homicide in 1600 Block of Montello

Clearly the members of 5th District's MPD are very busy right now. We have another report coming in, this one of an unconscious female in an alley-

[MPD-5D] incidents working at this time‏
From: on behalf of Groomes, Diane (MPD) (
Sent: Wed 4/16/08 8:55 AM

5d is on the scene of 1700 N Capital St NE for an unconscious male - it appears to be a suicide

5d is also on the scene of the rear alley of 1600 Montello AVe NE -there is an unconscious female ..this scene will be treated as a homicide..


Megan said...

When did we get Shotspotter? This is a good development.

In my ignorance, I keep hearing shots and thinking that it's just kids playing with cap guns.

Note to self: from now on, call in everything that sounds like it might be gunfire.

Living on Montello, I have to admit I'm a little spooked right now, though at least I have my big tough dog (see profile picture) to protect me.

Anonymous said...

There is a PSA meeting this weekend. Everyone who lives in Trinidad should go. The gun violence is way up over the last six to nine months or at least it feels that way.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone explain why people behave this way? And what can normal, rational, law abiding citizens do to keep out of the way while these thugs continue killing each other? After all, their method is much quicker than the justice system, I just don't want to get caught in the crossfire. Guess we could move and just let 'em battle it out.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, this should be history soon. I left the area for a while and was back on H Street last weekend. The scene there is getting really strong. We just need more like minded folks to move in and eventually we will hit that ever elusive tipping point and get away from this ridiculous behavior.

Kirby Clifton Kornegay said...

speaking of loud noises, did anyone catch the news of the noise legislation coming back up on DC Wire

Hannah said...

I am having trouble articulating the sadness I feel over your comments Anonymous #1 & #2. "Much quciker than the justice system"?? You can't be serious... for the most part these are kids.

I also like to think that I have nothing to do with the opression these children are/were raised under and hope that "they" somehow just go away, but the truth is we are all citizens and our behavior (or lack of behaivor)helps to maintain these conditions (even if they are pushed to the suburbs).

I definitly don't have any answers, but I try everyday to escape from thinking "us" and "them."

Anonymous said...

Hannah - I want to respond but find it difficult, because I used to have a similiar mentality to yours, but now after living in inner-city DC I've become very jaded to the opportunities presented to "these people" and then many saying that no one cares about "them". I am beginning to understand why good people (of ALL races) left it all to "them" and ran for the suburbs. And while I have tried not to see it as an "us" vs "them", many of "them" do. Funny, as a staunch Democrate, I'm now really beginning to understand the idea of "Compasionate Conservative" i.e. pick your own damn self up because I'm tired of trying to help when you won't lift a finger to help yourself. I will not be made the scapegoat for other peoples bad decisions! Sorry.

Alan Page said...

Anonymous @ 1:18

What exactly did you do as a community activist in order to get "tired of trying to help"? Let us know so we can rule out your community improvement tactics as ineffective as we plan for the future.