Resident Stan Harris has put together a convenient recap of last night's Ward 5 roundtable on a possible singles ban--
Council member Harry Thomas, Jr. called a meeting on 5/27 at the Isle of Patmos Church to discuss single sales of alcoholic beverages. The meeting included Ward 5 residents and business owners affected by the subject. Most residents were for some sort of moratorium on the sale of singles. The business owners (liquor and grocery stores) were against it.
Residents cited the following problems:
* No receipts furnished for single sale purchases
* Lack of respect by business owners for the surrounding community
* No taxes collected on single sale items
* Businesses are employing illegal aliens
* Business owners do not speak English
* Business owners don't contribute to community events and fundraisers
* Voluntary agreements are not being honored
* Loitering and litter produced by single sale customers
Businesses cited the following:
* There are already laws in place that allow for moratoriums like voluntary agreements
* Communities can protest against the business owners license renewal if there are problems
* Consumer choice is limited by single sale bans. For example, no expensive craft beers can be sold as singles
* Problem businesses should be targeted instead of imposing a ward-wide ban.
Harry's next steps:
* All existing voluntary sales agreements are to be reviewed
* Problem stores are to be identified
If you know of a problem store, you should report it to Harry's office at 202/724-8028, HTHOMAS@DCCOUNCIL.US. Then go to your ANC's and state your case!
Is anybody running againts Thomas next election? You have my vote.
no single sales of expensive 'craft beer'?
yeah. cuz they have lots of that in stock.
what a crock.
Maybe there are no expensive "craft beers" for sale in Ward 5, but their are in Ward 6; I buy single craft beers from Scheider's and Chats on Capitol Hill, and any city-wide ban (as some people are calling for) would effect these two stores.
Many of the problems cited by the residence don't have much to do with single sales.
@anon 3:24 (me)
Duh... residents...
I would gladly drive to VA/MD to purchase craft single beer to ensure the rif-raf, loitering, pissing and defecating on the streets goes AWAY!
I actually just fell off my chair thinking about how stupid your comment is.
In Ward 6, Tommy Wells is now sponsoring legislation that would enact a single sales moratorium ward-wide. However, retailers may sell single serves if they come to such agreement with their ANC in a Voluntary Agreement.
This proposed legislation hopefully will be more fair and tailor the needs of each neighborhood
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