Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Gas Theft in the Area

The City Paper reports on the theft of gas from a local resident's parked car. I'm told that Channel 7 will being doing a story on the theft tonight.


Anonymous said...

I called the cops on three men who were syphoning gas out of a large truck into small containers in my alley. When the police showed up they were already gone.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm, I remember this on the news back in the 70's :-)

Anonymous said...

What did they look like? We should all keep an eye out for them.

I wonder if the police barricade would have stopped someone with a bunch of empty gas containers.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised to hear about gas siphoning in our neighborhood. I suspected it happened to me a few months ago, which lead me to purchase a locking gas cap for my vehicle. The locking gas cap will make it more difficult for any punks to steal fuel; but if they are THAT determined to abscond with someone's gas, a locking gas cap isn't going to stop them.

Anonymous said...

It does not matter what they looked like, their physical chararistics are irrevelant. Bringing up the checkpoints or tying them to this post is moronic. I just wanted people to know that it is happening and to be aware.

Good day to all

Tom A. said...

THIS warrants a TV news story? I guess Brittney is back in rehab or something.

Anonymous said...

Tom, doesn't it merit a story in the wider context of a return of 70's style stagflation and gas siphoning? Makes me nostalgic, anyway :-)

Anonymous said...

anon. 9:54 said, "It does not matter what they looked like, their physical chararistics are irrevelant."

Are you for real? Of course it matters what they look like, how are we supposed to spot someone suspicious if we don't know what they look like?

Anon. 9:54, maybe you my friend are the one that is already assuming this is once again going to be about three black males. What if Anon.5:04 (the original poster) saw three white males, or three hispanic males, or three female-to-male transexuals, or a combination of the three, syphoning gas (which for all we know it might have been), then wouldn't you want to know what they looked like?

I just don't understand how if someone witnesses a crime, a discription of who they saw would be "irrelevant". I wish someone would please explain that to me. I'm open to a different understanding about this.

Anonymous said...

I posted at 5:04:00 PM

In my mind it is irrevelant. It already happened and there is no reason to depict the race os the individuals. My guess is these three men are not the only people doing this.

I was only trying to let people know that it is happening around the H Street area that is all

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:49 When you called the police did you have to describe them or did they say it was a moot point? I am guessing they asked for a physical description.

The reason I think it is relevant is if we see three people matching your description walking down the street with a hose and a container I might actually pay attention where as normally I would not think twice about it.

Why are you being so defensive about it? I don’t get it.

Anonymous said...

Todd, the defensivness you picked up on is interesting. Makes me now wonder if the original poster (Anon. 5:04) is the same as Anon. 9:54 AND Anon. 2:49? Hadn't thought about that. And if it is, its kind of odd how defensive he is simply because you asked "What did they look like?"

Maybe if the guy who says "what difference does it make" is really a white man and he doesn't want everyone on here to know that it was three low-life white guys syphoning out his gas. And who can blame him there?

I guarantee you the police asked him "what did they look like"?

Anonymous said...

Anon. 5:04, Anon. 9:54, Anon. 2:49 is me.

I have a place on H Street with an alley backed up to it. I am a white male who loves the area.

The men who were steaking gas out of the truck were black males. Drinking beer, ratty clothes, one very skinny with a old looking beard, one tall meduim build with a beard with short hair and I couldng get a great look at the third as he was hunched over holding the hose in the tank.

That is what I told the police hope it helps

Anonymous said...

Outside of them walking around with a hose and a container for the gas...you just described well over half the black males on H Street! Pointing out they are "black" does nothing to assist in tracking down criminals in our area..now if they are Asian or white and does not look like a meth addict (you have to add that caveat if they are white since many of them look like meth addicts). That could narrow it down! But black males or white males who looks like a meth addict are just too rampant in the H street area....really

Tom A. said...

The gas can and cut garden hose give it away every time!