A look at what's going on in Trinidad, on H Street, and in the larger area north of Capitol Hill.
Monday, July 28, 2008
A Brief Hiatus
I'll be busy with bar exam stuff for the next few days, so there probably will not be any posts before Thursday or Friday.
In the mean time people can speculate as to whether something might be going on at Mickey's [shown above] where the sign recently came down. The orange thing is NOT a stop work order.
Then what is it??? Tell us what the orange thing is!
This is the site of the future H Street "Reverse White Flight" Information and Resource Center.
Example resources:
- The Rec Center and You: Really it's OK to go there - Sova not Starbucks: A guide to understanding why franchises are evil - The parking lot auto mechanic is not your friend: Neither is the door-to-door contractor for that matter - W.R.T. panhandlers, let's not and say we did - Put away the damn iPod!: A guide to walking to/from metro - X2 survival guide: DRIVE - Stroller guide: Get the one with the really big wheels
Kick ass on the bar exam, Elise. Remember that you will never know more law that you do this week.
Also remember that almost all the people who fail are either (a) stupid or (b) think they are too smart to study. I bet you are neither of those things.
Anon 9:44, the orange sign is a notice saying that the property is condemned.
There are no plans that I've heard of for anything new in that space anytime soon. There were a couple guys with a pick-up truck that were moving crap outta there about 6 -8 weeks ago, but I haven't seen them since that time. It for sure is not one of the new places that was mentioned as coming to the street.
Good luck on your bar exam. Please try to stay in the neighborhood after you become a rich lawyer. Just kidding, we all know there are no lawyers that are rich.
I walked past NAPA 1015 expecting to see the whole front side damaged and boarded up. Even a second means of structure to shore up the facade, but I had to look REAL hard to see damage. It was a small corner or the bay window. There was no damage to the windows. Was there some other hidden damage that is not visible? I don't know.
The building in the picture is next to Sweets N Treats. Don't know the address.
From what I understand about Napa is that damage was internal. The car hit and really shook the building and the sprinkler system was twisted and the second and third floors received the most damage. The fire marshal would not allow them to open. They are hoping to reopen by the end of august.
poo poo- Does condemned necessarily mean that it will be demolished? Can the owner (or buyer) choose to save it? It would be a real shame to lose this historic house. The owner should be punished for their demolition by neglect... -SG
Elise, Having taken it, it feels 100 times worse than it is. One of my bar exam teachers said to think about the stupidest, most annoying people you know from the class above you and find out whether they passed or not (chances are yes) and then look at their picture everyday and realize that if they can do it, so can you! Anyway, you're probably done by now so YAY! It's over and you don't have to study anymore!
Thanks for this blog-I just started reading it a few weeks ago. I live closer to Lincoln Park but am looking forward to a day when I always choose to stroll H St instead of Barracks Row or Eastern Mkt with my daughter because of the great, unique stores, restaurants, and safe enough/fun atmosphere. Its definitely on its way!!
H is on its way. I'm happy with most stuff here. It's come a long way from 10 years ago for sure. Anybody know if that golf spot is still opening up? I haven't heard about that for a while.
Then what is it??? Tell us what the orange thing is!
it's going to be a high-end wig shop that also sells CDs.
either that, or it's going to be a jamba juice.
wanna bet?!
This is the site of the future H Street "Reverse White Flight" Information and Resource Center.
Example resources:
- The Rec Center and You: Really it's OK to go there
- Sova not Starbucks: A guide to understanding why franchises are evil
- The parking lot auto mechanic is not your friend: Neither is the door-to-door contractor for that matter
- W.R.T. panhandlers, let's not and say we did
- Put away the damn iPod!: A guide to walking to/from metro
- X2 survival guide: DRIVE
- Stroller guide: Get the one with the really big wheels
Kick ass on the bar exam, Elise. Remember that you will never know more law that you do this week.
Also remember that almost all the people who fail are either (a) stupid or (b) think they are too smart to study. I bet you are neither of those things.
i knew a guy that took the bar stoned, and passed with flying colors.
to boot, he only had one functional arm, and was legally blind.
not bad for studying at columbia.
you can do it, elise! nail this thing on the first attempt!
Poo poo- A Jamba Juice would be AMAZING. I'd like to vote for a Baja Fresh in there, though.
I no long poo poo chain stores- at least in transitional neighborhoods like ours. How about a Target anyone?
Isn't it one of the new places to open mentioned int the Post a few weeks ago?
Good luck on the bar exam. Haven taken it, I found that it isn't whether your answer is right or wrong, but how you justify it.
Anon 9:44, the orange sign is a notice saying that the property is condemned.
There are no plans that I've heard of for anything new in that space anytime soon. There were a couple guys with a pick-up truck that were moving crap outta there about 6 -8 weeks ago, but I haven't seen them since that time. It for sure is not one of the new places that was mentioned as coming to the street.
Frank from Sova
Good luck on your bar exam. Please try to stay in the neighborhood after you become a rich lawyer. Just kidding, we all know there are no lawyers that are rich.
Does anyone know the address of this H St. building?
Also, does anyone have any updates on NAPA 1015?
According to their website, a car crashed into their storefront Jul 12 and they'll be closed until further notice. Nothing more updated than that.
I walked past NAPA 1015 expecting to see the whole front side damaged and boarded up. Even a second means of structure to shore up the facade, but I had to look REAL hard to see damage. It was a small corner or the bay window. There was no damage to the windows.
Was there some other hidden damage that is not visible? I don't know.
The building in the picture is next to Sweets N Treats. Don't know the address.
Elise, good luck with the bar exam - we're pulling for you, and appreciate your hard work on the blog while you've been in law school.
-cheering section
From what I understand about Napa is that damage was internal. The car hit and really shook the building and the sprinkler system was twisted and the second and third floors received the most damage. The fire marshal would not allow them to open. They are hoping to reopen by the end of august.
Good Luck Elise!
Soccer at Sherwood (10th and G NE) tonight - 6:30
Provided the weather holds up, we should be on again for soccer tonight.
Come out and enjoy a friendly game of footy with your neighbors. All ages and skill levels are welcome.
Elise you have nothing to worry about. And yl, what an ingenious post. Guess the bar lets some stupid people pass too.
too bad the building is condemned.
the architecture is fairly sweet.....
tis a shame, really.
poo poo-
Does condemned necessarily mean that it will be demolished? Can the owner (or buyer) choose to save it? It would be a real shame to lose this historic house. The owner should be punished for their demolition by neglect...
Having taken it, it feels 100 times worse than it is. One of my bar exam teachers said to think about the stupidest, most annoying people you know from the class above you and find out whether they passed or not (chances are yes) and then look at their picture everyday and realize that if they can do it, so can you!
Anyway, you're probably done by now so YAY! It's over and you don't have to study anymore!
Thanks for this blog-I just started reading it a few weeks ago. I live closer to Lincoln Park but am looking forward to a day when I always choose to stroll H St instead of Barracks Row or Eastern Mkt with my daughter because of the great, unique stores, restaurants, and safe enough/fun atmosphere. Its definitely on its way!!
H is on its way. I'm happy with most stuff here. It's come a long way from 10 years ago for sure. Anybody know if that golf spot is still opening up? I haven't heard about that for a while.
Yeah, a while back someone commented that they had actually been inside the country club and it was coming along.
I just hope they have skee ball.
is it true that inked got a job in indiana, pending her passing of the BAR?
i'd hate to see you go. first kimber, now you?!
hang out a bit, please!
jen has already said she *won't* take over your site.
give dc a shot!
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