"What A Beautiful Day On Orleans Place!"
The Orleans Place Community
Friend and Neighbors of Orleans Place held an Orleans Place BBQ and Beautification/Clean Up this weekend, Saturday, July 21, 2008. Special thanks to neighbors, Mark and Erika, the co-leads of this effort and Kelvin, Karla, Lee, Greg, Maya, Ritchie, and Tanetta and all those who came out to help!
If you are interested in joining The Orleans Place Community Google Group. Send an email to orleansplace@googlegroup.com. We are building a block community!
Neighbors really got into the act.
The trash bags piled up.
Luckily the trash truck showed up to collect them.
Orleans Place, all nice and clean!
It's about freaking time.
You stay classy Orleans Place!
That email address doesn't work.
Go here and click on "Apply for Group Membership"
Orleans has been looking better in general lately...now if only the same thing would happen on 6th Street between K and L.
completely random and slightly off topic. Does anyone know why there are so many Ginko tress planted in our area of DC? Well, i guess its related because i hate walking through the dog-poop smelling fruit in the fall... and having people track it into my house.
Yeah for real. 6th between K and L is looking rough these days.
Way to go Orleans Place! You guys are awesome.
And yes, 6th between K and L is looking pretty shabby. I think it's one block that will take some time to come around. No trees, busy thoroughfare, and lots of people out at all hours of the night drinking.
I'll be doing a trash pick-up on Orleans on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. More info will be posted to the Orleans list-serve. All are welcome to join us!
Thanks for posting the photos, Inked!
It was great seeing neighbors getting together and working together towards a common goal... It was really a very good day! Looking forward to the next Orleans project!
Thanks for sharing the pics with the community.
You should call the city about that. Only the female trees drop fruit, and the city can come out and inject the trees with something to make them not produce the smelly fruit.
Congrats to all those that participated. It's things like this that make neighborhoods so much more enjoyable for all.
Thanks to all who participated! I walked down Orleans yesterday and the street looks great!
My neighbor came over to my house and yelled at me over my dog!
I have a dog that I can't keep in my yard. I have tried everything and she always finds a way out. Anyway, this lady comes to my home, knocks on my door and when i open the door she points her finger at me and yells obscenities at me. Apparently my dog was in HER neighbors garbage and then pooped on HER NEIGHBORS LAWN! Why didn't she come and talk to me like a civil human being? Why was she a vicious monster attacking me at my door? I calmly went over to HER NEIGHBORS house where the garbage was and picked up every piece, and the dog poop. I agree that I have that responsibility to clean up after my dog. The one thing I don't agree upon is someone coming to my house and screaming in my face about something I didn't know about. Is anyone out there been blessed with a psyco-neighbor?
I don't think anyone remembers the golden rule...Do unto others as you would want done unto you!
I sent them a lovely card from this site I found...www.URAJerk.com
Congrats Orleans-keep it up!
As far as the 1000 block of 6th and L Streets NE: I own a home on that block. Sadly, after living there for a couple of years- and picking up trash daily and for about an hour each weekend on both 6th and L Streets - I had to relocate for a 2 years.
My current tenants do pick up some as does one of the residents of the condo building across the street, however a there are several issues that block faces.
One of which is the high number of renters who just aren't invested in improving the area-and have, in the past been resentful and hostile to requests to pitch in and keep that stretch clean.
Additionally, a lot of the trash that appears on the street there is tossed out of cars just passing through.
Unfortunately, our block is still zoned as a commercial block and does not receive Zone 6 parking nor does it have weekly street sweeping-which would help immensely!
You can bet organizing a monthly 'Bagels and Bags' cleanup is a priority once I move back there!!
In the meantime-since it is a gateway to our neighborhood-perhaps other neighbors might pitch in to help clean it up occasionally as well?
Additionally-any time you see suspicious activities or overly large crowds of people drinking and such going on there- please call the authorities! The more complaints they receive, the more police presence the area receives. It is hard to get the authorities attention when there are only a couple of people calling regularly.
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