Monday, July 07, 2008

Reminder, Throwndown Tomorrow

Capital Spice reminds us that the Teddy Folkman [the Chef from Dr. Granville's]/Bobby Flay throwdown will air tomorrow. Catch it at 9pm on the Food Network.


Cara said...

Any word on an official watch party?

Anonymous said...

The closest thing to an official watch party will be at Granville's, which is bringing in a few TVs for the event.

In other gastronomical news, it looks like Tropicana Eatery is days away from opening. They removed the coverings from their door and windows and inside looks pretty close to finished.

Anonymous said...

Hate the new id system - it's much more complicated than just "anonymous". It will be intersting to watch the comments decrease or everyone will simply begin using this one I just cut and paste from above:

Thanks for the tip. I suppose it will cut back on spontanious, emotional comments if that's the intent.

With that being said, can't wait to see Throwdown tomorrow night.

Dread Tropicana opening soon. We don't need another Jamaican style restaurant on H. Have these people ever done a business plan - or maybe studies show that H really can support three of these places.

Rob said...

I don't think that's necessarily true. Look at the way car dealerships cluster. And the Ethiopian places in the U St. area. I think similar restaurants clustering can have benefits for each of the individual restaurants.
As for residents, isn't it better to have three of them competing (presumably raising quality and lowering prices). The consumer should win as well.

Anonymous said...

blog has been killed. the only reason I posted is because of the ID the last poster showed.

Anonymous said...

No good discussion will be spurred in this enviorment

Mike said...


No good discussion will be spurred?

Because you had to take a minute and login?

I really hope my days never get so busy that I don't have 30 seconds to log in.

And if I'm not willing to put some sort of pseudonym (not my real name, not anything that can be used to identify me) in front of my comments, maybe I shouldn't be saying them in the first place.

inked said...

The comment thing is just a test run for now. I might take it off in a few days, and see if things have settled down. If they remain a problem, we'll probably go with a system like this.

Anonymous said...

But Inked, I think you're defeating your purpose here by encouraging (requiring) people to register some type of tag name. I think it will limit the spontanious flow of communication -but maybe that's what you're aiming for?

With all due respect, you already know what creates the rants and raves and the lengthest threads. When you write about planting in your tree box, or going to your ANC meeting, or a new show coming to the Atlas - people look at it, think "That's nice" and move on. It does not spur the conversation that engages the FT reader to post a comment. You put something up about a new restaurant, XII, gentrification, or crime and you literally get 100's of comments on that one subject - much of it becomes about race - and yes, sometime they get heated. BUT CLEARLY, that's what people are most interested in talking about otherwise they wouldn't post or they'd post more question like, "Was that a zennia or a daisy that little girl was planting in the tree box?".

You can't control what people say about any particular post, but you do control what gets posted. If you don't like what people have to say about XII or Studio 400 then stop posting things about it. I guarantee you'll see the long hostile threads go down. But have you said to yourself, maybe that hostility is real or rooted in something real that needs to be discussed because so many people are jumping in to the discussion? But its your blog. Best of luck with it - its not as much fun anymore - my guess is that its not to you either.

FourthandEye said...

"If you don't like what people have to say about XII or Studio 400 then stop posting things about it. I guarantee you'll see the long hostile threads go down."

So the only way to respond to threads about XII and Studio 400 is to be hostile? Therefore it's inked's fault for initiating the discussion?

I'm with Mike on this one. If you can't even associated some pseudonym name with your comments then they can't be of much value. Whether the reluctance to do so is laziness or not wanting the least bit of accountability for what you write - neither is sympathetic to me.

Mose said...

Love the new comments policy - I support it 100%. Aside from moderating some of the most intemperate comments, it's also quite practical. It's almost impossible to follow the "conversation" in a long thread if the posts, responses, and further responses cannot be indentified and referenced by author (referring to "Anon 2:13 p.m." or similar doesn't work very well, IMHO).

As for Tropicana opening, I'm a bit agnostic. I tried Taste of Jamiaca a couple of times and found that I don't care for that style of food. Still, provided that Tropicana offers a nice, sit-down dining experience, then I heartily wish them success. Filling in some of the vacant store fronts on H street is the first priority at this point (while avoiding additional fast food, liquor stores, etc.).

Unknown said...

I'm happy with this experiment as well. I think that "good discussion" is what happens when people are responsible for what they say.

Anon trolling has been played out all over the internets. This blog is about neighborhood news. If you actually find it constructive to spout off anonymously about racial tension or whatever, you could find another place to do so.

DCJaded said...

i have to applaud the opening of the Tropicana Eatery too. We need a variety of sit down restaurants on H that serve all of the people in the area.

The Cousin said...

I drove by Studio 400 a few minutes ago to see what all the complaints were about. A half dozen black youths loitering around. Definitely didn't seem to be appealing to the hipster/foodie crowd. But all these hipsters should celebrate the occasional dive in the neighborhood; otherwise, you'd become Cleveland Park (that said, I really like Cleveland Park).

Something about the H Street area makes me feel like I'm on the set of Rocky in 1975. That's not a cutdown or a compliment about the neighborhood. Just an observation.

Unknown said...

I think that the accountability system is great, if you need to hide behind an anonymous opedid then your a total punk who for all we know is 14 years old. highshool iis where you need to leave it...

Hillman said...

As for the guys in that photo..... I'd tap that.

What? It's a little restaurant / bar joke.

As for the new logon, I'm totally fine with it. My biggest complaint was the inability to actually hold a conversation with a dozen different people using the name 'Anonymous'.

I don't think this will inhibit substantive discussion. And it may temper down some of the most inflammatory stuff.

Hillman said...

Sorry for the double post. Google kept telling me the first one didn't go through.

A thousand apologies.

Anonymous said...


Driving by Studio 400 at 9pm on a Monday evening is not an accurate reflection of the level of activity at the location. Try it on a weekend.

Also, the owners are reportedly attending tonight's PSA meeting and tomorrow's ANC meeting to address the community.

Anyone interested is encouraged to attend.

Anonymous said...

I'm very concerned about Studio 400, but it's not in my ANC. Would there be any point in my attending? Has anyone contacted Tommy Wells about this place to express their concern? If so, what was the response?

Anonymous said...

Yes, if you are concerned, by all means attend. Even if it isn't your ANC, it may be your PSA and it certainly is your neighborhood.

Yes, I've contacted Councilmember Wells' office about this issue. I was informed that he is aware of community concerns and that he is working to address the issue by talking with other government agencies and the MPD. I believe he may want to do a community meeting on the issue in the near future.

Anyone with concerns should express them to his office.

Shaaren said...

If anybody is interested in watching "Throwdown" at Argo, please join us! (We'll be showing it on all our televisions.)

Free green shooters if they show the building from the outside or if they mention us by name. :)

- Scott, Shaaren and Ara

Liz said...

Joe, Shaaren and other Argo folks:
Thanks for the good time last night! It was so much fun!

Also - LOVED the onion ring w/ honey app special. Can we keep that one around??

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to the Argo! And yes the onion rings will be available all the time. They won't be put on the menu until september when we do our fall menu, So you will have to ask for them!