Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Looking to Adopt a Kitten?

I don't have a photo, or description [beyond what is posted below], but a friend found a kitten in the alley behind the 1200/1300 block of Florida/Morse. I don't know the sex, or if it has been fixed. It had a collar and flea collar [but no address tag]. He sent out notices, but hasn't heard anything. He has two dogs and a cat and can't take on more animals. If you are interested you can contact me at inked78[at]hotmail.com. Otherwise the cat goes to the animal shelter [which has too many cats already, and they are not a no kill shelter]. Please consider adopting this kitten, or another animal from the shelter. Strays can be healthy. My can was five and a half when I adopted him. That was 5 years ago, and Nick is still going strong and healthy [despite having FIV when I adopted him].

Kitten description-

Today I found a kitten/young cat in my backyard (1200 Block of Morse Street NE). The cat was people friendly and had a purple collar with bell and a flea collar, but no identification. The cat is a gray tabby with white paws. Going to drop off to animal control by tomorrow. Cat is adorable. If the cat is yours, please contact me so that I can facilitate the return of your cat to you.
NOT THE KITTEN, but Nick the cat.

No photo, but the cat is gray with stripes [much like Nick, but with more brown]. It has white feet, and weighs less than 5 pounds. The flea collar is gone, and it has been replaced with Frontline for kittens [so no risk of fleas, because Frontline WILL kill them all]. This kitten is very friendly. Please consider adopting her. If money is an issue, there are many local groups that offer cheap/free vaccinations/testing/fixing. If anyone ever told you you can't teach a cat to fetch, it isn't true. I've had three cats that would fetch paper/rubber balls.


Anonymous said...

Inked, is the kitten still up for adoption/available?

inked said...

Someone has expressed interest in taking the kitten, but things haven't been totally firmed up.