Tuesday, November 18, 2008

1941 Photo of Union Station/Uline Area

A reader sent in this aerial photo from Life Magazine that shows Union Station and its tracks as they appeared in 1941. Also shown is the Uline Arena, which was built in 1941. The links on the Uline are dated, but I wanted to use the photos and give a little background. Here's a You Tube video about the arena's history. And here's a You Tube video of the Beatles playing their first US concert at the Uline Arena, which had been renamed the Washington Coliseum by that time.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is from kottke.org. Thank you for sending this earlier, Poo Poo.


IMGoph said...

there's some other amazing stuff in there. i'm pretty sure you can see truxton circle as well up at north capitol and florida!

Anonymous said...

I didn't see an H Street bridge. Anyone know when it was built? How did people get to east H St during that time?

Murphy said...


The H Street bridge was built around 1973. Prior to that, H Street went through a tunnel under the railroad tracks (similar to K Street, two blocks north).

Anonymous said...

The link on the U-Line arena is old. Is it still being used as a trash transfer station? There is a picture of the arena when the Beatles played there in 1964 at my band's website ... www.bourbondynasty.com

charles said...

Great video ... there is a lot more where that came from on the DVD of the Beatles first U.S. visit, including Ed Sullivan shows and the train ride from NYC to Union Station. They absolutely rocked. No mics on drums or amps, just vocal mics and one mic hanging above the stage.