Saturday, March 13, 2010

Community Gardens @the Rec

Here's a snippet from an email sent out by DPR:

The DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) will be providing a community garden at every recreation center in the District of Columbia this year. In addition to the gardens, a set of bee hives will be added in every ward.

The purpose of the program is to promote health, nutrition, environmental stewardship and community beautification. The gardens are open to all community members with a focus on youth participation. They will provide the community with year round environmental educational opportunities and the chance to discover the joy and wonders of gardening. The gardens will be constructed by volunteer groups and maintained by the recreation center community.

This is pretty exciting to me.  One great thing we have going for us over here is that Joe Cole is right next to Wheatley Education Campus (and when they build the new Joe Cole the buildings will actually be connected. Hopefully the school could be involved somehow with the garden.


Here is a recent New York Times article on how they might change the law so residents can keep bees in NYC, and here's an earlier piece from the same paper.


jen said...

This is a really great idea! I've thought that the empty unused grassy area in front of Sherwood Rec would make a great community garden!

And adding the beehives is a smart idea too. Will local residents be responsible or will they be maintained by staff?

diane said...

I look forward to the bee hives..