WAMU reports on the exciting upcoming opening of this biergarten that has a massive outdoor space. Biergarten Haus is located at 1355 H Street (right next to Sova). Polka enthusiasts will be excited to know that the owners plan to feature live music. They'll also offer a wide variety of traditional German food.
Going Out Gurus also has more info and some nice photos.
Rather than re-reporting something from H Street Great Street, why don't you include something new? http://voices.washingtonpost.com/goingoutgurus/2010/03/biergarten_house_brings_a_germ.html
Thanks for the snotty comment Anon. I guess you missed the part about my internet being out since last Wednesday. I haven't yet been able to read H Street Great Street (I saw the WAMU link in my email), or much of anything else, and I'll probably be a bit behind the curve until Verizon can fix the issue in the alley.
Diese ist ganz geil für uns und der Menü schmeckt gut gehortet auch. Es gibt fast keine große platz in D.C. für trinken Bier außen setzen. Jetzt wir haben dass bald, und hier in H Straße. Für echt Deutsches Bier zutrinken.
Yo! Anon 7:59 - why don't you start your own blog, instead of being a little bitch on those of well-meaning, hard-working community bloggers?
Sorry Inked. Teaching 8th graders makes me feisty towards people who are unnecessarily immature.
ali, just show us the bangin body already!
I'm never going to be sober living in this area anymore...way too many great places to go.
yay! hot german-esque sluts!!
holy s---!! holy s---!! holy s---!! holy s---!! holy s---!! holy s---!! holy s---!! holy s---!! holy s---!! holy s---!! holy s---!! holy s---!!
An UmPa band weekends outdoors... Hopefully, being 3 blocks away I'll be out of earshot but close enough to get there regularly.
Did they ask the neighbors?
OT but the Pizza place at h and 13th seems to be coming along and close to done.
what pizza place?
the one at h and 13th
Do you mean the pizza place at 14th and H? I'm not aware of one on 13th.
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