This morning I took part in the DCPS beautification day at Wheatley Education Campus (Neal Street). We unpacked books, organized the library, moved supplies, and generally helped get the school ready for the students who will pass through its doors on Monday morning. Aside from the many teachers and other school employees we had 21 volunteers (four of whom were the principal's wife, two daughters, and a friend). Nine of those volunteers came from McLean Bible Church (yes, from McLean Virginia), seven from the Trinidad neighborhood (including one parent of a student, and one student), one was a social worker who works out of the school (not a DCPS employee, but rather a DMH employee). Yes, ONE Wheatley parent. Interestingly, of the Trinidad volunteers, one is a Wheatley student, one is his mother, one has grown children, and the other four have no children. We have lots of churches in Trinidad (maybe close to 20), but none of them showed up this morning. But the folks from a church in Virginia were able to turn out to help. Seriously Trinidad? We got the work done, but it took a little longer than scheduled.
The school serves many kids who come from pretty modest means, and the school can always use donations of certain items (like pencils, backpacks, and basketballs). They are also currently seeking volunteers interested in engaging the students in various enrichment activities. They could also use some tutors.
As a DCPS teacher (not at Wheatley), I want to thank you for this post. It is incredibly hard to get volunteers, particularly in non-affluent areas. If you want to help and don't know how to get involved, look up your local school and go there. Tell them what can do. The school will most likely jump at the chance to have some extra hands. If that doesn't work, call (or go) to DCPS Volunteer Services. They can place you in a school.
I second Anonymous' point, but you'll have to have a current TB test and clean criminal background check (which DCPS did last year for $15) to volunteer in the building when the students are present.
Your neighborhood school needs you even if you're not a student or a parent!
They should look into the Washington Architectural Foundation. They have a program called Architecture in the Schools that pair architects with teachers. The curriculum is developed collaboratively with the teacher to suit the grade level and subject matter. It lasts eight weeks and culminates with an exhibit of the projects from each of the schools.
Just to clarify, yes you do need TB screening/background check to volunteer with children present. However, it is not needed for things like Beautification Day, which is a one day, sprucing up event.
--first anon
Interesting. Of all those people who volunteered, only one parent showed up. Only one. No wonder the DC public schools have been so f-ed up. With all the debate about teachers and whether they are doing their jobs, people seem to forget about the parents, and how the complete lack of involvement by many of them is the real culprit behind many of the District's educational problems.
people don't forget that lack of parental involvement is a problem in DCPS. it is just that you can't do anything about it. you can try to encourage them, and schools do try, but you can't force them to be more involved parents.
I live across the street from Wheatley and never knew this was going on. If the school wants neighborhood volunteers it should ask? Did the local churches know about this event? There definitely wasn't anything on frozentropics asking those in the neighborhood to help out. I think we shouod be fair to Trinidad neighbors, maybe they just didn't know.
First of all, thank you to anyone who volunteered for beautification day. Second, thank you to anyone who volunteers, period. We had about 30 or so parents and kids at Tyler Elementary over the weekend. Tyler has been renovated and everyone needed extra help. As I am from out of state and new to the District. I am puzzled by the lack of parent involvement. I wonder if inked and others are willing to keep this as a forum for encouraging more involvement by parents, students, and community members. We all have a stake in this mission.
Look these parents are paying taxes to have the school raise their kids. In recent times, kiddiegarden starting at 3 years old was added, and Gray wants the DC taxpayer to pay to keep them in school until they are 22. The reality is that most of these kids are from single parent households and mom just doesn't have any time to volunteer.
anon 12:10, you should join the Trinidad-DC listserve. it was posted there a number of times, as are other opportunities to get involved in the community.
Hate to be cynical so early in the morning, but a lot of us Hill long-timers sortof think our taxes are paying for a crap-ton of school employees that are paid to do things like unpacking school supplies, beautification, etc.
We spend a ton of money on school staff.
And after years of trying to help schools and often getting nothing but disdain in return we sortof give up.
Case in point: Tyler Elementary, in SE.
For years neighbors pitched in there, with everything from cleaning the grounds to tutoring.
What did we get in return?
When we asked the principal to lock the grounds at night because they were being used for drug dealing she told us to mind our own business and quit bothering her.
All while we were doing the tasks that her paid staff should have been doing.
After years of this sort of thing you get tired of it.
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