Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ethiopic Gets Outdoor Seating & a Great Review

The Washington Post covers Ethiopic in its fall dining guide, and Food Critic Tom Sietsema seems quite enamored of the place. He praises the well informed servers who can explain not only the ingredients in the dishes they serve, but also any particular cultural significance associated with the fare. I must agree with Sietsema that the vegetarian sampler is a must order. I love the lentil salad. If you haven't tried Ethiopic yet, you are really missing out. 401 H Street. Enjoy the outdoor seating while the weather lasts.

Did I mention that Ethiopic is the only Ethiopian restaurant featured in the Fall Dining Guide?


Unknown said...

Too bad its at the far end of H. With I go down there I go to Toyland vice this place, which the last time was completely empty. Maybe the food is good, but there are a lot of good restaurants in better locations. I wish them well, but it seems despite glowing reviews that unless something changes they will die at that location.

curmudgeon said...

Far end of H ain't *that* far. If I'm willing to drive to the Palisades for a meal, I'm certainly willing to go to 5th and H. And the quality of the food? I think it's the best food on H by a large margin.

Unknown said...

C: I Once you hit the 10 block unless your headed to 7-11, there's not much down there. I wish them well but they are a bad location WRT to the rest of the strip. Not picking on them but there's minimal foot trafic there. I am sure those that live down there love it, but honestly those that don't have to dive of hoof it a long way. Walking H at night can be dicy.

Sincerely Concerned said...

Dear Robby,

You've certainly had your fill of Haterade this morning. The last three posts i've read, your comments have been a bit sour.
I hope your week gets off to a better start.


jamie said...

I love Ethiopic, and I think it ranks up with Etete as the best Ethiopian in the city. The vegetarian platter, even for an avowed carnivore like myself, is indeed the best thing on the menu, although they have this one vegetarian meatball-looking thing on it that I don't especially care for. The one downside is that this is probably also the most expensive Ethiopian in the city, but at least they deliver a great product, and Sietsema is right about the service--when we asked the waitress a couple questions, she knew everything.

Unknown said...

Sincerely Concerned said:

Ahum, saying something down at 4th is away from the center of action, is fact. I also said I wish them well. How's that hating? I mean learn to read, perhaps you don't have the facilities to comprehend. That's hating.

Unknown said...

It's really annoying when pin-heads try to attack someone by faking concern. My week will be as all my weeks productive, enlightening, and draining. That's life. But that has nothing to do with bad service at a taco table, or the fact that this, must be great resturant, is in a bad location WRT the strip. I guess you are refering also to my disdain for the costumed bike riders.

You don't have to like my opinions.

Not concerned anymore said...

No - hating is when you think the world revolves around you and your preferences. It also includes when you cant comprehend that others may like something or are willing to go more than a few blocks of their home to eat good Ethiopian food. Not to mention the fact that there is a huge complex of apartments at 3rd & H (really that whole area between K and H), and all of Capitol Hill behind Ethiopic.

Get over yourself. And maybe the taco people at Florida Market dont want to serve you promptly because you're a bit of a douche.

Unknown said...

Not concerned anymore said...:

Thank you for showing your true colors. It seems not only are you a mental midget, but you also seem to be unstable.

A. I said: am sure those that live down there love it.

B. The taco thing isn't isolated to me. So they seem generally jerky.

C. Making comments on a blog isn't a sign that I am a megalomaniac. It is a sign that I like you have an opinion, and that's all it is. Perhaps it is you that should get over yourself.

D. You did know D comes after C right? You called me a douche, hmm. Okay that's original. I've been called worse. I've learned to get over insults. If you have an issue you can click my name and contact me and we can resolve this. Otherwise stand down.

Kim said...

I love Ethiopic. I agree that it's up there with Etete as the best Ethiopian in the city. I don't have any problems with the location; I actually think its proximity to Union Station means it is more likely to draw in people from other parts of the city. Also, I frequently walk from Ethiopic down to the other end of H at night. For those less inclined to walk, there are always the X2 and the shuttle.

sarahmulca said...

I've been a couple of times, and it actually seems to be doing fairly decent business--as well as being very good, and a very elegant little restaurant. Being close to Union Station, and to Senate Square could ultimately be an advantage, especially once the construction wraps up on that end (which hopefully will be before too long!)

The one suggestion I'd make to them is if they could somehow make their signs more obvious from the street. I think they're doing okay on word of mouth and great reviews, but they're still a bit too easy to miss, visually.

inked said...

Simmer down there. It's a tad too early to be in such a bad mood.

I think they are working on a better sign (my Dad walked right past them once too).

Anonymous said...

I ate at Ethiopic last night and it was as great as the other times I have been there. And, there was a lot of foot traffic heading from the Union Station side of H over to the bars. Once the sidewalk in front of their restraunt is finished, I have no reason to think they will not get foot traffic on the weekends (this may be more of an issue during week days). But since the restraurant was packed and people had to wait at the bar, that may not be an issue for them. With the H street connection plan in place, the reviews it is getting, the SEC extension going in, and the new apartments on that side, I think their location is fine.

Robby has a point though when compared to where the most number of people will be on H street. I just think a good restaurant will survive even if people have to walk 6-8 blocks to get there.


Anonymous said...

Been there a couple times, and it was great. Tried to go on Saturday, but they were booked solid... Might try again on Wednesday.

I think they'll do fine, and Sietsma's latest write up can only help.

Unstable Mental Midget Who Isnt Concerned said...

It's ironic that you're so defensive of your right to have an opinion but when I state mine, you invite me to look you up - for fisticuffs I suppose. It wouldve only been funnier if you'd thrown down the proverbial white glove and challenged me to a duel.

Just because the bulk of restaurants are on the eastern end of H street does not mean that ones on the western end will "die." Taste of Jamaica seems to be doing well. I hope that restaurants and other decent businesses come to all parts of H Street. Do you want only one end of the street ot be revitalized? You've got to start some where.

djbays said...

I am glad Ethiopic is getting good press and outdoor seating. Hopefully the weather will hold out to make good use of it this year.

I'm also glad to have an Ethiopian restaurant on this side of town. Even though it is farther down the from the hub of H St, it is a lot closer than going to Shaw or Adams Morgan. For those of us who love the food, it is a real asset.

In fact, I may go eat there tommorrow.

Unknown said...

Unstable Mental Midget Who Isnt Concerned said...:

Actually it was for a conversation. I figure we would actually talk in person where we could hear tone etc. But I guess in your mind it's about fighing.

Frankly yes we need developmentof the whole strip. And I'm happy they are packed some nights. And frankly I go to taste of Jamacia because their food is good, but I don't get their as often as I did tropicana because they are way down there.

ro said...

Robby, you really crack me up sometimes. ``way down there.'' you know what's even farther away? Ethiopia! I live off the east end of H and getting to Ethiopic, Sidamo, Toyland, etc really isn't that much of haul. Can walk there in 20 mins and can drive there in 5. There's a whole other world out there Robby. Go into the light.

Rob said...

I think they're gonna do fine. They're a pretty easy walk from the Metro, I think there's a lot more disposable income w/in walking distance of them, and they've got great food, service, and the place is nice looking inside. Things are only gonna get better going forward.

Unknown said...

Ro: Thanks I've been trying to go into thelight for years, but I keep failing. People just wont let me go.

I was just stating a fact, I wish they do well. A 20 min walk down H at night may not be the most desirable thing is alls I'm saying.

But thank you for reminding me about the light. I'll get there one day and then Ethiopian wont matter.

Anonymous said...

I like it, and while I find it a tad more expensive than its comparators, the convenience is worth the xtra $5-10/person. At a minimum, Ethiopic holds its own foodwise with other top established Ethiopian joints in town.

The construction is a real drag -- they seem boxed in at the moment. They would also benefit from some better signage and losing the barred windows (not to stir that pot). But overall I would definitely recommend.

Anonymous said...

Please get laid. It's not cute.