I stopped in at YoonHa's (also here) this morning, and the menu is greatly expanded. The Korean menu is larger, and they have added burritos. I also saw bulgogi dogs and bulgogi subs listed. No word on whether you can get kimchi slaw, but I'm betting it's a possibility.
Any indication that they're going to change their hours, so folks that work in other neighborhoods can go there and try it out? I'd love to give them a try; but Saturday mornings appear to be my only chance.
Then damn well go on Saturday morning and stop this incessant campaign to force vendors at the market catering to the daytime market clientele to bow to your own personal schedule!
Wow. "incessant campaign"? Attempting to "force" vendors?
Someone needs a hug!
Either that, or a psych eval.
YoonHa's got you all in check.
I actually work in Tenleytown. I just stop by and pick up breakfast/lunch on the way to work. I don't really see them adjusting their hours. Nearly everything else is closed by dinner time. I think they would be one of two places (that Subway is 24 hours) open at dinner time in the entire 24 acre market. It just doesn't make sense.
Yes, no sense. The people in the adjacent neighborhood don't spend money on food.
Redonkey King,
I doubt they'd favor taking the risk to shift their entire business model to cater to a new client base that MIGHT frequent their establishment (which is, at night, kind of tucked away in an otherwise deserted warehouse district). It's a little family owned place, so they'd have to hire an entirely different set of staff to run the place at night. At this point in time, I don't think it makes any sense for them to make a change like that.
Inked,you're probably right that they won't change their hours anytime soon, but as Union Market opens and the area changes, maybe they'll change too.
Anyone know why there was a candlelight vigil at the end of Abbey Place last night? As expected, the group of 50 or so left there trash littered along L Street.
yes, maybe when the market changes and it makes sense...until then, some of the more self-absorbed of the readers of this blog need to realize that the entire business model of YoohHa's, and just about every other business in the market (including A Litteri, where I would LOVE to shop if they had more amenable hours) do not exist to serve the larger out-for-dinner community and don't have to be. They have chosen their market (which is, literally, the vendors and customers of the day market), and have chosen to make evenings their family or relaxation time. And they are obvioiusly satisfied with that and make enough money doing it that they don't feel a need to be open from 6AM til 10PM. Once you go from being a one-shift-a-day operation (say, 6AM to 3pm), to a multi-shift operation, you become an entirely different business, and many of these shops operate with their owners present for the entire length of the day. Shifting to a 16-hour day means that's not possible, and suddenly you need to manage shifts, find reliable managers, etc. It's not what many of these places want, no matter how entitled or covetous neighborhood residents feel. It's no different than whining that you can't visit the Taj Mahal because those mean Indians won't up and move it to Lincoln Park! Not every business exists with the sole desire to serve YOU. Sometimes you have to either (a) conform to others chosen operating hours/locations, or (b) go somewhere else.
I wish I didn't have a real job so I could wander around that shitty market and eat sandwiches all day.
Gallaudet has about 2000 students steps from every business in the market. The community across Florida is rapidly expanding and has disposable income. I'm sorry, but you're not going to convince me that businesses in the market couldn't thrive with expanded hours. I hear money is fun to make. Anonymous, your old road is rapidly aging, please get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand.
Anon 11:13 really, REALLY needs to work on his/her reading comprehension.
I could see places beginning to shift hours sometime in the future, as more stuff stays open later, I just don't think we're there yet. I haven't noticed many Gallaudet students in YoonHa's. And it really would be a MAJOR shift in how they do business. If I were the owner, I don't know that I'd be ready to gamble on such an expansion just yet.
Even looking at places on H Street over the past several years, it's extremely tough to be the only nighttime business open on a block. People tend to like to go to clusters of businesses. You really have to offer something very special to bring people to what is otherwise a dead zone. You can ask the Argonaut owners about some of their slow nights a few years back. Then figure that the average meal at YoonHa's is $6-8. You have to pay staff, and keep the lights on/grill hot that whole extra time. I wish it were otherwise. I'd love to have a 24 hour Korean place.
I'm assuming that your "real job" is being a troll. Am I right? Seriously, this place opens at 5 or 6am. If you can't make it in all day Saturday (they are open until 3pm), you can always swing by and grab something in the morning enroute to work.
redonkey brain:
Yes, money is fun to make. So when is YOUR profit-making korean lunch place going to open up in Florida Market? If it's such a great idea, you'll have absolutely NO competition, so have at it and let the cash roll in! And, if YOU are not prepared to do so, why on earth would you expect anyone else is? When someone thinks the time is right they will do it, until then, it's all up to visionaries like yourself. Here you go, I'll set aside $48 now to buy my first 8 $6 lunches from your new Korean place. Let us all know when it's open and I promise you I'll be first in line. Just make sure it's open past 11pm, because i don't get home from work til 10:30.
Anonymous! So full of piss and vinegar! If I hear Yoon Ha's needs a zealous advocate, I will certainly recommend you. You are locked into a past that I don't care about. The future is Union Market, not the wholesale slum. But that's just mho. For now I'll keep myself from forcing Yoon Ha's into expanded hours, thanks to your impassioned plea. But I recommend you stay vigilant, because I really like exercising my blog powers.
Yes the Times They Are aChanging, and the Desires of Whiny Yuppies Must Be Met!
You can tell Mr. Dylan is an artist by his random use of capitalization. The three greatest commenters of all time? Dylan, Dylan, Dylan (pronounced die-lon).
I'm really more of a spiteful redneck than a whiny yuppie but I'd still like to see market businesses expand their hours.
The vigil was for a young man who died at the intersection of Abbey and L a few weeks back.
It's a tiny little Korean joint, it's not that special. You aren't missing that much, but some people feel entitled to EVERYTHING in "their" neighborhood for some reason, and couch it in offering "business advice" to people who probably don't even read this blog. If they expanded hours and you ate there, you'd probably just start hating on it, call it "ghetto," make derogatory remarks about the people who eat there, etc. Some people.
The Vigil was for a family who lives on L street. Their so n was killed by his cousin. What's up with the family on family crime lately? First 9th Street, now this? I'm sure theres even more we don't know about. jeez
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