The Washington Post and NBC4 covered the story of a woman who assaulted the driver of an X2 bus, and the driver who hit here back. If you ride the X2 with any regularity you probably have all kinds of interesting stories. For those who are unfamiliar with the route, the X2 bus originates at the Minnesota Avenue Metro station, turns onto Benning Road (which becomes H Street), and continues to 16th & H Street NW. It's a long straight shot, and among the most popular bus routes in the District. It also runs almost all night long, taking only a short break in the very wee hours. I can say that I have ridden the bus to and from work. I have caught that first 4:30am bus, and I have absolutely ridden the late night 2am bus (it's a great way to get home from Chinatown).
Though most rides are uneventful, I've seen homeless men holding their 40ozs aloft while swaying and singing/shouting like drunken sailors. I've seen people smoke on the bus, and done an early morning doubletake when I spied a man with a full skull tattoo...on his FACE. I've seen fights, met angry New Black Panthers, heard my share of amateur rappers, and watched people consume and disgard all manner of food. I even once saw a man board an X2 bus in Chinatown carrying a truck door. But my own stories tend to pale in comparison to some of the ones I've heard from friends and readers. I thought perhaps it might be fun for people to share some of their best tales here. It's fine to tell stories from other bus lines too, just make sure you indicate the bus.
the X2 is usually a circus act, I try standing near the
driver because it's less trouble up there.
I think Metro needs undercover cops on that line
citing people for disorderly conduct, drunk and disorderly, etc...
The line should also be all flexible buses. By having a bit more space, it will reduce the tension.
Not so much action and adventure (though after 8 years maybe I take the craziness for granted), but when I was pregnant the X2 was the only public transportation where I could consistently get a seat. With the exception of 20something white males who never offered me a seat even in the last few weeks, I often had to turn down people b/c more than one person would offer me a seat at the same time. Teenagers would even get up. When during the first trimester I learned the hard way that you have to eat breakfast and got woozy going over the hopscotch bridge, more than one person offered me orange juice, cookies and water. Two women then exited the train with me at Chinatown and stayed with me to the metro. That all said, now that I can walk comfortably for more than 10 minutes, I just hoof it the mile to the NY Ave metro or Union Station. The over crowding on the X2 has just gotten over-the-top bad.
^ Troll...Bring on the troll comments. ugh.
Agree with the first commenter: WMATA needs to run articulated buses on the line 24/7. The X2 is dangerously overcrowded much of the time, which serves to ramp up the craziness because everyone is jammed together.
Am curious how the street car will impact x2. Will more people along the street car line take it to Union Station to avoid the X2? It won't eliminate all of the crowding obviously but may decrease some ridership and hopefully WMATA won't cut out the longer buses they use on the X2 line.
Things I have seen/heard on the X2:
A guy carrying a tire (maybe it was the same guy Inked saw carrying the car door? Assembling piece by piece?)
Dressed up older church lady so bombed that she can't sit in her seat and keeps falling into the aisle (this was at 10 am on a Sunday)
A woman soil herself through her clothes before getting off. People that saw it happen warned new passengers not to sit there but I'm sure someone sat there eventually.
Overheard on the X2: An older guy gets on and sees someone he apparently hasn't seen in a while. Guy 1: "Man, I haven't seen you since Leroy got shot." Guy 2: "The first time he got shot or the second time?" Guy 1: "It was the first time because it was when they found that body." They then go on to have a completely normal conversation not involving shootings or bodies.
I avoid the X2 whenever possible in favor of Bikeshare/the D buses/Uber not because of the craziness but because of the unreliability. Sometimes you get a bus right away and get downtown in under 15 minutes, but other times you wait for 45 minutes at a peak time and end up sitting at 7th and H for 15 minutes while the bus unloads and reloads.
I agree with the above that more frequent and longer buses will help but not confident WMATA will do this any time soon. They used to blame the streetcar construction but can't use that excuse anymore.
In response to the second post, I will just say that perhaps the personality of the passengers has changed since I ride it every day and I only see 20 something white males offering their seats to the elderly/pregnant.
Craziest thing I saw was a woman pull a knife on a guy and threaten to stab him. Apparently, this ladies daughters started making fun of him for selling books and he told them to shut up. The lady didn't think this was nice so she pulled her blade while her kids cheered her on.
The worst thing I saw was a father close fist punch his 5 year old son. He decided it was better to sit four rows away than stand next to his two kids who were acting like five year olds and climbing all over each other. It wasn’t really bothersome to anyone since everyone was watching them play and smiling. He noticed they were moving around more than he thought they should, stood up, walked up to them, and close fist punched the older of the two in the shoulder and said "I told you not to play around"
Earlier this week, I rode the X2 home because the red line was totally kaput. Sitting in the back was a guy who totally looked like Edward Snowden. He was at the window seat by two teenagers having a slap fight in front of guy who was completely passed out.
Maybe the X2 is the perfect place for a guy on the lam.
I have been back to riding the X2 after falling off my bike. Nothing really eventful to report, it seems quieter than the last time I rode consistently (with the exception of (1) the lady who let her toddler play a shooting game on her phone with the volume all the way up (no earphones, naturally) and (2) a teenager who kept using gay slurs in a round of insults with his "friend". He was doing a poor job of coming up with retorts, so I guess this was the best he could come up with.
I have to heartily co-sign the pregnant commenter who said pregnant women are often offered seats. Women with small children are, as well. Way more chivalrous than Metro.
I have never seen a fistfight on the X2, but I've seen plenty of yelling/verbal arguments (I had to stop someone from verbally harassing a Latino passenger riding with his child once; got me cursed out, but the situation simmered down pretty quickly).
Way too many of the drivers during rush hour are rude with passengers. Also, by and large, many of them seem to have trouble with braking in a way that doesn't cause everyone standing up to lurch forward.
I regularly send complaints, but admittedly forget to send commendations when drivers do well.
The line needs more buses, especially during rush hour (when it is always packed to the gills).
I did see a melee on the 90 bus once, which ended with someone spraying pepper spray wildly and half the bus pouring out onto the street to get away.
X2 Stories!
1. Halloween night, the bus is uber-crowded, standing room only. A man and a woman get on at Chinatown headed for H St NE dressed as Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man: Big wire frames covered with yellow felt and black arms and legs. The rest of the bus just *could not* get over them, thought they were the cutest, kept asking for pictures or to touch them. The couple were good sports about it, but you could tell they hadn't really expected that level of attention. It was around 9 pm, so a lot of people were already drunk, which may have had something to do with it.
2. One morning, had a nice chat with a middle-aged business man and a little school girl about the crowding on the X2 and WMATA policy in general. On the ride home, met up with the little girl again. She sat next to me and told me a very quiet story about how busy her mother was, so she didn't get dinner very often. I offered her two cookies from my grocery bag. Haven't seen her since.
3. Got on in the afternoon at 6th & H NE, and should have gotten right off, but didn't quite realize what was going on at first. Everyone on the bus was yelling and swearing, especially towards the hinge-section. As I moved back, I became aware of an absolutely *incredible* smell. Like... dirt, vinegar, poop, and rotting food all at once. Just amazing, and AMAZINGLY potent. I realized all the yelling and swearing was directed at this one (very drunk) man, who was the source of the incredible smell. Everyone was demanding he get off the bus and telling him how horrible he smelled. He finally departed at 12th street after the driver refused to moved the bus until he got off, because no one could stand it anymore. I've never smelled any person or thing that smelled as bad a this man. I was almost impressed.
To the person that commented about the lack of undercover police. I have actually witnessed undercover police arrest a man for drinking in the back of the X2. This was probably 5 years ago. I had just noticed the out of place middle aged balding white guy on the bus when he and a you African American woman office popped out of there seats flashed their badge's and escorted an older gentleman of the bus who had been enjoying a tall boy on his buss ride. I don't think anyone on the bus had ever seen something like that before.
The other day I saw a person waiting for the X2 at the 8th and H NE stop, holding a live snake. Like, a python. Not big enough to necessarily drape over his shoulder, but pretty big. I didn't actually see him get on the bus, but I wish I could have witnessed that event.
I've seen some pretty epic domestic disputes - one was a middle aged (50ish) lady yelling at a young man she was calling her boyfriend, he clearly understood their relationship as more of a one-night-stand situation. Plenty of awkwardness to go around.
I can't say how many times I've had two accordion buses, one right behind the other, and they're both equally packed to the gills. I don't know how much they can do about it, but hopefully the streetcar (opening 2017! 2019?) will alleviate some of that?
My favorite X2 story was when the bus pulled up at a stop with a long line of people boarding (somewhere on H Street). This overweight and barely dressed woman exists through the rear door, holding it open, screams out loud "I gotta poo poo!" and proceeds to pull down her clothing and squat right outside of the door. She then reboards through the back door she is still holding open and, once everyone is boarded, the bus proceeds on its merry way.
I'm not sure if this was a tribute to one of this blog's prolific posters or not.
The X2: a trip every time!
My addition to the X-files is the time the bus got so crazy, the driver got off at 8th and H St. saying, "I'm gonna get me a new career!"
Apparently I'm not riding the X2 enough. I haven't had to deal with any particularly problematic folks. Sure, there are always a couple of cats on board that I wouldn't want to invite over for dinner, but most people seem to mind their own business.
this needs to become a regular feature! X2 stories!
it could be like
About a week ago a guy puked on my shoes.
I think I was on the bus the anonymous commenter at 5:11 mentioned: I'm pretty sure I remember this happening.
My most memorable experience on the X2 was being repeatedly called a cracker-ass faggot by an obviously intoxicated disheveled person. This happened from 11th and H and continued on until near Chinatown, when the guy got off. He also punctuated his slurs with loud BUH BUH BUH noises, for extra effect. Strangest ride ever.
I feel like I have encountered that same guy on the X2.
Back in January I was waiting for the bus around 7PM in Chinatown. When the bus came to a stop the doors opened for me but first two young teens (14-ish) standing right at the front door threw a McDonalds bag of trash out and it landed in front of me on the street. I looked at the driver, who pretended to ignore it, and then scolded the boys for what they did. I told them very simply that it wasn't right to do that, nothing more. For the next 10 or so blocks they hollered at and mocked me. They got off at my stop on H St and followed me but I ran to catch up to another person on the street so I wasn't alone. It was pretty terrifying but I just can't keep my mouth shut when I see people litter. It really bothers me...and no one ever says anything to people (probably because they're afraid of being beat up by the offender)!
I can easily walk to the Metro from my house, but if I happen upon a D8 rolling by, I'll hop on. It's a little faster, and MUCH nicer if the weather is less-than-pleasant. There's one kid (I'd guess 16 or so) always on that bus who pole dances throughout the bus in everyone's faces EVERY time I catch it. He gets on the Metro, too, and I make sure to get on a different car. I *really* don't need teenage booty shaking in my face at 8:30 AM.
Hardly compares to these other stories, but I was once on one of the 90 series buses headed from 8th & H to Adams Morgan. A 'disheveled' gentleman got on carrying a big black trash bag. He went to the back of the bus, tore the bag open and started sorting. 'Good' stuff on the seat next to him, everything else on the floor.
I second poo poo - this should be a regular. I miss EavesdropDC - they haven't had any new material in a while. Now the DCist Overheard in DC is my weekly treat.
I'm no longer in the city, but love to still read the blogs to see whats going on in the old neighborhood. Also, the blogs in the burbs just don't do snark like the commenters on DC blogs :)
I have seen a lot of this, or similar. But I have never seen a pregnant lady on the X2. You must be at the opposite end of the accordian from me.
I have had many interesting experiences on the X2, but I think these two count as my "favorites":
I boarded at Chinatown, along with a couple different groups of rowdy teenagers. They started screaming at each other and chasing each other up and down the (crowded) aisles before getting into a physical fight. The driver kept yelling at them until, finally, on the Hopscotch bridge (when the physical fight broke out), he had to get off the bus, reboard through the back door, physically break up the fight and physically remove two of the teens. I'm not sure what would have happened if it had been a smaller/less intimidating/female/less physically fit driver as these were older teens and it took the large, imposing driver a few minutes to break up the fight.
I boarded the bus at 8th & H and apparently accidentally hit a teen in the knee with one of my bags. the bus was crowded, so I didn't even notice that I'd hit him. After I sat down, he followed me to my seat, sat next to me, and yelled at me for hitting him and not apologizing. He then made up a song, which he proceeded to sing/rap all of the way to Chinatown, about how he was going to kill all of the white people on the bus and about how white people needed to wear hats because their skin was so light. It was...odd, to say the least.
I've also had many interesting moments on the 90/92/93, my favorite being the time two groups of teen girls got into a screaming match with each other about the fact that one girl was gay, then others not in either group joined in on the screaming match, then even more people joined in to tell of those screaming not to yell and swear in front of the children on the bus.
I'm (unfortunately) going to have to leave DC soon, maybe temporarily, maybe permanently, to deal with some family stuff, and I actually think I'll miss some of the moer humorous encounters I have on the X2 and 90 series.
Some of my most memorable: being called a "stupid white bitch" and being threatened to be robbed if I ever "sit in the back of the bus with us (bleep) again", witnessing a full pole dancing show at 8:30am, watching an old man in a wheelchair attempt to grope multiple women as they walked by.
My 3-fondest memories over 8 years on the X-2.
1. Woman took a crap in the back of the bus. Everyone (except for a few of us) thought it was hilarious.
2. Man telling his approx. 3 year old crying son to "shut the fuck up or I am going to fuck you up mother fucker."
3. Man flicking a lighter in front of my face telling me he is going to light me on fire.
While I used to tolerate the animals on the X-2, my tolerance has run thin. I have not run the gauntlet in years.
as"funny" as some of these stories are, it's also very sad.
this country avoids discussion about "class", but perhaps there should be some kind of debate about that.
there should.
and i hold education accountable.
Two words: "contact high"
And yet every time someone here posts about not wanting to ride the X2, numerous other people appear and start chastising them for being elitist/too yuppie/whatever.
@poo's fabulous lover - Education begins at home.
I jus vguel commented the X2 is a circus act
and i tripped off a load of stories.
I usually ride the X2 4 times a week, so, I guess
I should chip in my stories.
1) 20 something AA male panhandling me for a dollar, when i decline saying "Pay me now or pay me tonight".
2) Late teens AA Male stealing my tie out of my jacket pocket and then wanting $5 for it.
3) Middle Aged AA Male becoming enraged at a teenage AA male and pulling a knife out and getting ready to stab him. The police were called for that.
4) Numerous drunk men and women on the X2.
5) AA Late teen or Early 20s male getting arrested on the X2 by MPD.
6) Watching a AA woman sell a percocet to a AA male.
Most of the other stuff is typical ghetto stuff, I ignore it mostly. There are some very nice people who ride the X2, but it doesn't take too many idiots to make it a very unpleasant ride.
the X2 is definitely a line where WMATA either needs a conductor or a detail of undercover police.
They either need to clean up the line or the people.
my favorite x2 story happened while i was pregnant. (yes, a pregnant white lady on the x2! i did it all the time and always got offered a seat.) i happened to be standing next to the only other white person, a guy listening to his ipod. a nice woman started a conversation with me about how far along i was, blah blah blah. she then asks me if the guy next to me is the father and when i say no, she proceeds to shout loudly in perfect maury povich-style, "you are...NOT the father!" and we all cracked up. the poor guy had no idea why we were all hysterical.
Where's heyktb at? I miss her mid-50s Trinidad life assessments - having just moved in to the neighborhood. She should start a blog!
i'm here...
loving these X2 stories cause now I know I am not the ONLY one!
1. getting screamed at "f*in honky bitch". as I have said before, it is not the asshole screaming at me that is most disturbing but rather the fact that the rest of the bus does not call him on it. I am quite sure if someone screamed the N word at a 50 something woman minding her own business, people would go ballistic.
2. someone dude asking me if my purse was "real" and then where I was going.
3. a 12 year old light up a doobie and last but not least...a man pick his nose while eating peanut butter out of the jar with the same finger. it was like a bad train wreck...I could not look away!
"1. Woman took a crap in the back of the bus. Everyone (except for a few of us) thought it was hilarious."
^ I refuse to believe this story, re: most people thinking a woman taking a crap on the bus was hilarious. Every time someone foul smelling has come on the X2 bus while I was on it, calamity has broken out. I've never seen a group of people so sensitive to smell as X2 riders (hearing someone yell 'Something stinks in here!' is a biweekly occurence). Can't believe someone taking a crap on the X2 would elicit anything other than a tirade of verbal abuse from everyone on the bus and a mass exodus away from said person, after my years of riding the X2.
I used to take the X2 or X1 everyday to work until I got a new job... It's funny that I actually miss it some days.
I have SO many stories:
SCARIEST: 8:30am guy gets on the bus and sits down across from me. I look up to see a .45 in his lap and 40 oz tipping up to his lips. I got off immediately. You have to wonder sometimes what is going on in some people's lives?
FUNNIEST: A young lesbian couple having an argument over the other's percieved infidelity. They are having the loudest argument ever, putting each other's and other's business out for all to hear. It was literally the funniest conversation, and I was laughing so hard I was crying. However, every other person on the bus acted like they didn't hear this hilarious conversation. From what the victim said, I was totally on her side.
Most Non-Fashionista:I've seen any number of terrible knock-off purses, jeans, shoes, luggage,watches, etc. Any number of women wearing tights who shouldn't be wearing tights, dudes in dashikis, male capris, teens in skinny jeans that still manage to fall off their rears, and the best was the woman who got on the bus in a rainstorm who had tied black plastic liqour store bags around her feet.
Best Live Interaction: I would have never believed it if I hadn't seen it myself... a dude started a 3-card monte game on the bus and people were literally pulling out wads of cash to get in on the game. They were literally making it rain in the hinge of the X2.
Honorable Mention: The old lady who cursed out a grown man for not offering his seat to lady. She berated him with insults from N. Capitol to 5th St. NW. She called him a "good for nothing", "that's why no one wants your A$$," "you won't ever amount to $hit," "going straight to h3ll," He then acted like he was going to fight her and she just cursed him out more and didn't say a word as she exited the bus still talking trash about him.
I have more, but I don't want to bore folks. Just know that this X2 is a DC treasure, and I'm hopeful gentrification won't completely sterilize it... well maybe the urine part.
I used to take the X2 or X1 everyday to work until I got a new job... It's funny that I actually miss it some days.
I have SO many stories:
SCARIEST: 8:30am guy gets on the bus and sits down across from me. I look up to see a .45 in his lap and 40 oz tipping up to his lips. I got off immediately. You have to wonder sometimes what is going on in some people's lives?
FUNNIEST: A young lesbian couple having an argument over the other's percieved infidelity. They are having the loudest argument ever, putting each other's and other's business out for all to hear. It was literally the funniest conversation, and I was laughing so hard I was crying. However, every other person on the bus acted like they didn't hear this hilarious conversation. From what the victim said, I was totally on her side.
Most Non-Fashionista:I've seen any number of terrible knock-off purses, jeans, shoes, luggage,watches, etc. Any number of women wearing tights who shouldn't be wearing tights, dudes in dashikis, male capris, teens in skinny jeans that still manage to fall off their rears, and the best was the woman who got on the bus in a rainstorm who had tied black plastic liqour store bags around her feet.
Best Live Interaction: I would have never believed it if I hadn't seen it myself... a dude started a 3-card monte game on the bus and people were literally pulling out wads of cash to get in on the game. They were literally making it rain in the hinge of the X2.
Honorable Mention: The old lady who cursed out a grown man for not offering his seat to lady. She berated him with insults from N. Capitol to 5th St. NW. She called him a "good for nothing", "that's why no one wants your A$$," "you won't ever amount to $hit," "going straight to h3ll," He then acted like he was going to fight her and she just cursed him out more and didn't say a word as she exited the bus still talking trash about him.
I have more, but I don't want to bore folks. Just know that this X2 is a DC treasure, and I'm hopeful gentrification won't completely sterilize it... well maybe the urine part.
Thinking of moving to the area. Put my friend on the X2 busses the other night, was checking out the nightlife, she had no problems on the bus. Considering the X2 would be a possible way of commuting to work, this isn't really selling the H-street neighborhood.
The X2 is actually a great bus. The biggest problem is overcrowding. I've been riding it regularly since 2001, and any issues are rare. If you see someone posting something that seems truly outrageous, take it with a grain of salt.
1) The X2 is really phenomenal in terms of service, 4-6 busses an hour from 4:30 AM untll 2:30 AM the next day.
2) About half are the articulated busses so they are big.
3) it will take you downtown from Minnesota Ave.
about 30% of the time there is some level of weirdness and about once every few months, it's bad enough to want to get off the bus, text 911, or move.
Part of the problem is the X2 connects 3 major lines,
the North Capital lines, the 7th st lines and Minnesota avenue, so, it sees 3X the weirdness of a conventional line.
My GF makes it a practice to either catch the X1,X3 or X9. In the morning, i'll ride an X2, 6 blocks and change to the X9 if i'm going downtown
The other thing is the demographics of DC are changing. The City is becoming whiter, higher income, better educated and better property.
Crime rates are dropping. Violent crime is dropping.
H st is a very hip neighborhood, and you can't have hip without a little bit of Hood.
It's why we live here.
We bitch about it, but we love the area.
Just for the record, I have never had anything happen on the X2 such that I felt I needed to hop off and got onto a different X2. It really is generally fine.
Some of these stories sound like straight up lies.
re: Anon 4:23: You expect us to believe a guy walked on an X2 bus with a .45 at 8:30am, i.e. the heart of rush hour, i.e. when it's filled to the gills with people? No way. Driver would call 911 from the moment the guy got on the bus. And how did he pay? Did he tuck his gun in his waistband while he fished out his wallet for his fare, while holding his 40 ounce in his other hand?
Besides the unlikeliness of a driver not immediately calling 911 if someone stepped on the bus openly holding a firearm, I've never seen anyone openly carry a 40ounce of liquor on any bus in DC and I've lived here for 20 years. People sneak their liquor in bags, but just openly carrying a 40 ounce and a pistol? Please. If you want to write a short story, write a short story, but don't make up stuff about my neighborhood. Thanks.
Alan Page - crap on the bus is not a lie. Wish it was. Really wish it was. Happened 8 years ago when I first moved to the N. side of H Street. Things were/are more F... up on the X-2 than you wish to believe. O.K with me if it makes you feel better to live in denial.
I saw the guy with the serrated steak knife getting himself worked up to stab the kid.
now that said, the Driver became aware of it too and called 911.
Here's my general ratio.
30% of the time, it's some minor drama (BF,GF argument, parent/child, ) or other form of loud argument.
10% of the time it's some high level wierdness.
in 2 years, it's only been problematic enough, I thought i was in danger 2 times but, then again, i've mostly stopped riding the X2 all the way down town in favor of heading to the Minnesota avenue metro station.
anon @2:21 I've lived off H Street for 10 1/2 years. The part I was doubting was not whether someone would do it, but that most of the people on the bus would find it hilarious. That goes against everything I've seen on the X2 for over 10 years. I've been on there and multiple people would say "It stinks in here" when I couldn't smell a thing, but you expect me to believe someone was actually defecating and people were sitting in their seats, giggling? Something doesn't add up...again, I don't doubt any individual might do just about anything on the X2, the story starts to sound unbelievable when you act like no one around the actor would, well, basically be grossed out that an adult just defecated on a bus. That strains credulity. Being disgusted about public defecation is a pretty much universal thing here in the good old U S of A.
i've seen my share but the best was a dude brushing his teeth. every time the bus stopped and the back door opened, he spit out on the street. at least he was considerate??
I want all of You to know that Inked is my daughter. I have always loved and been proud of this blog. This string just cements that fact!! Pops (not poops like some of the stories)
I used to ride the X2 when I was in my late teens and early 20's (im 43 now) and it is hilarious to hear that nothing has changed. I always tell potential riders that they can prepare for a show. Ive seen the rowdy kids curse one person out for scolding them for something,I've seen the BF/GF fights, the drunken riders, the terrible parents cursing out the kids, the fighting (when the girl threw her baby on a strangers lap to fight), Kids throwing rocks through the window and hit someone, the urine soaked older drunk but I have never seen anyone deficate on the bus and I reckon they would get their tales beat.
These stories still crack me up but those of you who still ride it be very careful, especially when you feel the need to chastise some of these teens b/c they dont have the respect for their elders or the police that we had. Don't take it personally even when directed at you, and look out for one another when you see a potentially dangerous situation.
As march 2015, I keep hearing the same stories from my coworkers. I used to live by the Giant at 3rd and H and I was a frequent rider of X2, I have to say it was a very scary bus but It was a lot of fun at the same time. The bus lives in its own dimension where the rules of fashion and good manners don't apply! The worst I witnessed it was an AA male teenager who physically fight a woman who stopped him for keep bullying the driver. In the middle of the fight they both fell out of the bus that had the doors opened at the Chinatown bus stop.At first, everybody was in shock, specially when the male lifted that woman and smashed her head in the window. People standing at the bus stop rushed to separate them and help that woman. I have also seen people being robbed, molested, verbally insulted, etc. Don't use your Iphones on that bus!!!!
As march 2015, I keep hearing the same stories from my coworkers. I used to live by the Giant at 3rd and H and I was a frequent rider of X2, I have to say it was a very scary bus but It was a lot of fun at the same time. The bus lives in its own dimension where the rules of fashion and good manners don't apply! The worst I witnessed it was an AA male teenager who physically fight a woman who stopped him for keep bullying the driver. In the middle of the fight they both fell out of the bus that had the doors opened at the Chinatown bus stop.At first, everybody was in shock, specially when the male lifted that woman and smashed her head in the window. People standing at the bus stop rushed to separate them and help that woman. I have also seen people being robbed, molested, verbally insulted, etc. Don't use your Iphones on that bus!!!!
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