One of the newer additions to the H Street corridor, Da Luft (1242 H street NE), recently began promoting a range of new events they are presenting. As you can see outlined in the flyer pictured above, those events include a jazz & spoken word event from 8-10pm and a Dance/Top 40 party from 10pm-3am.
No specific day is listed for either the jazz/poetry event or the dance party event, but the happy hour from 4-8pm is specifically listed as a daily occurrence. The website, however, mentions that the venue is closed on Mondays.
Sunday brunch is from noon-4pm.
How many of you have been to Da Luft? What do you think?
Update: A quick message to Da Luft's Twitter page led to confirmation that apparently the jazz & poetry event will be occurring every Tuesday. Whoever runs the Da Luft Twitter page also retweeted a third party saying that the December 3rd poetry event (tomorrow) would be postponed to an unknown date. The dance event will take place on Thursdays from 4pm-midnight, Fridays and Saturdays 4pm-3am.
Ummm. Yeaaaaaahhhhh.
Haven't been yet but was really impressed by the food samples they had a couple weeks ago out on the sidewalk. They had steam trays with salmon and catfish and both were amazing.
Can't we just rename this place Shprockets?
I don't understand one whit what this place is about. Is it a restaurant? Is it a club?
I'm getting the feeling I'm not their target demographic.
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