DC Vegetarian looks at veg friendly dining at Toki Underground (2nd floor of 1234 H Street) in Finding the Ramen Denominator.
Neighborhood News:
D.C. Crime Stories reports on the bizarre tale of a man who turned up on Gallaudet's campus seeking 100 under age girls for marriage & sex.
The Washington Post covers the story of a Trinidad woman who might get a legal guardian after she called 911 226 times in the span of a year.
Southern Living covers H Street in their Next Great Neighborhood column.
Free Enterprise looks at the changes on H Street, and how they came about.
Anyone know what is happening with the Crown Fried Chicken on 8th and H St? It appears to be shut down with some type of renovation or remodeling project happening inside. Is it under new management? Will it be something else?
I have a post on that topic queued up that goes live around 12:30pm. It should answer your questions.
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