Twitter user Gaurav Arora alerts us that the H Street Organic Market (806 H Street) will open today. He further says that the owner told him they want to cater to the Deaf members of our community, and are looking to hire at least one person who knows ASL.
Great news
Hooray! Can't wait to check it out this week!
A welcome addition to the corridor. Can't wait to stop in.
H ST Organic Market, Whole Foods(Coming)
Giant, Safeway, Aldi and a costco not too far away,
seems like H St is really a rocking place to get groceries.
The Union market sells a lot of wholesale groceries,
so, we have some wonderful opportunities now.
i know i'm spoiled, but i still want trader joe's to open on H... maybe where the autozone is... a boy can dream
@ pat - Harris Teeter in NoMa is super close too.
Hell yeah!
That signage though...
I'm positive i'm going to frequent this place, but can the owners put a couple of their first dollars into a nice sign?
I realize this isn't a very positive comment, that we should support all new businesses that are adding value to the corridor, etc. etc. I'm just an aesthetics snob and I like a pretty sign!
Stopped by and I'm happy. The store is clean, with lots of light. They have a lot of product, including my favorite Brown Cow yoghurt. I will return.
By the way, they have a serious coffee/ expresso setup. They said that they would start serving coffee tomorrow. This could be really good.
i think the sign is cool. in the carrot, there are the lines of the cross streets of H street, just like the red lamppost signs on H.
Excellent! I saw through their windows yesterday and hoped they'd open soon. I can't wait to check it out.
@ 11:57am I feel similarly, but in my dreams a new TJ's is located in a re-imagined shopping area on the former Hechinger Mall site (I've got an active imagination).
@ pat - walmart has a full size grocery section too.
I really like the sign, it's fun and whimsical and local. I do miss the bloody "Zombie-Mart" handprints tho...
Also, I like the sign quite a bit.
Very excited to have an organic grocery option in walking distance from my home...but I'll admit that I'm an aesthetics (and branding) snob as well, so agree with Anonymous 1:30pm that I wish they (and several other establishments on H) would put more money into exterior facades, signage, and interiors. Again, always happy to see a new business opening, but I think H is at the point that we can have high expectations with respect to quality -- substance and aesthetics.
good idea on hiring a deaf employee.
do they have beer
No beer. It will interesting to see if they can survive without selling it.
Looks like the carrot is taking a piss.
doesn't the h street overlay have signage and facade review in place?
how did that facade pass the historic review board?? oh wait...
Before all you "don't post negative things about a new business trolls" jump down my throat, please do not reply if you haven't been there yet AND can prove any of my statements are false and my suggestions wouldn't serve to help the business if implemented, not harm it. Thanks!
OK, so, I went today. Like everyone, I was excited. But, unlike most commenters, I was sorely disappointed. While the dry grains section was quite nice and reminded me of a smaller offering you would see at Yes! Organic Market, sadly, the similarities ended there.
Although there was quite a bit of empty shelf space, that could be remedied easily. The produce section however needs a major overhaul. I could not even by a single onion. Only a sack. Not to mention pricey. (89 cents/lb. for organic bananas). I hope they increase their produce variety as well.
Also, no beer. I hope they can remedy that too.
I did not see any meats or cheeses, although their might have been some pre-packaged ones somewhere.
Finally, it seemed as if the owner had her 5 young daughters sitting in the corner right when you first walk in. I understand childcare is expensive, and they were seemingly well behaved girls just sitting there, but still weird. Maybe they should utilize the office in the back for them? Is that cold of me?
Anyway, I hope they improve and I will definitely check back in a week or so to see if they have a more robust produce section as that would be nice to have on 8th st.
I went in yesterday. I'm going to reserve judgement, as it was only the 1st day. The place definitely does not feel finished.
On other news, both H Street Storage and Murrys are closed, as of yesterday. H Street Storage has signs on their windows indicating that the business has closed. The Chinese food place Good Danny's is still open. Bring on the wrecking balls!!!!!!!!!!!!
condos condos condos!
Off topic, but where is H Street Connection? I am obsessed...
i read h street connection would being in 2016.. but know knows...
anyone know when the H St Self Store will have their auction?
I'm sure there are a couple freezers full of people who owe Rayful Edmonds money in there plus a lot
of cocaine in a few of the storage units.
Some of you crack me up. You say you want local, homespun options, but apparently not if it lacks the gloss and finish of a corporate national chain. I wonder if you "aesthetics snobs" are really just unwitting victims of marketing?
If the product is good and priced reasonably, I'll look past the sign design (which looks fine btw for an independent business that might not have a marketing department just yet).
Just went there for the first time.
Everything was nice and clean; I do agree that all items need to have a price labeled on them.
Prices seem comparable to Yes!. Some items were Giant priced, some more expensive.
They are still working out some other kinks (couldn't wring up a pepper) but I will be back! Excited for it.
Went yesterday. Produce is reasonably priced for an organic market, however, all the packaged goods seemed grossly overpriced. Hopefully they will adjust their prices to market or else I fear they won't last. This place has potential until 2016...
Speaking of H Street connection... Who loves the McDonalds there!? Apparently, Mickey D's is negotiating with HSCDC for the former footlocker space at 8th and H.
Bring on more trash and trouble at the worst intersection in the area! Please contact your ANC Rep to voice concerns,
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