Tuesday, September 25, 2018

ABRA Blues at Addis Ethiopian Restaurant


Addis Ethiopian Restaurant (707 H St. NE), which racked up quite the ABRA fine for multiple violations, failed to pay the amount due Sept. 13 and was subsequently placarded for immediate license suspension. @20002ist (aka ANC 6C04 Commissioner Mark Eckenwiler) tweeted word of the development on Friday. A review left on Yelp! Friday mentioned the notice and indicated that the restaurant was padlocked (to clarify, the padlock was added by Addis, rather than any outside authorities). An ABC Board order from June lists the violations that triggered the $11,000 in fines, but according to another tweet from @20002ist there were additional ABRA related problems at the restaurant.

The order lists the following violations and penalties (agreed to as part of an Offer in Compromise):
  • Charge I: [On September 7, 2017], you failed to have a Board approved manager present at the licensed establishment during the hours that alcoholic beverages are permitted to be sold, served or consumed on the licensed premises, in violation ofD.C. Official Code§ 25-701 ...
    • $2,000
  • Charge II: You failed to failed to keep and maintain upon the licensed premises or a period of three years, records which include invoices and delivery slips which adequately and fully reflect all purchases, sales, and deliveries of all alcoholic beverages except beer, in violation of D.C. Official Code § 25-823(5) ...
    • $4,500
  • Charge III: You, a holder of an on-premises Retailer Class C license, purchased alcoholic beverages from an off-premises licensed retailer, in violation ofD.C. Official Code§ 25-l 13(a)(5)(A) ...
    • $4,500
  • Charge IV: You imported, transported, or caused to be imported or transported alcoholic beverages into the District from outside the District without an importation permit in violation ofD.C. Official Code§§ 25-722(a) and 25-119 ...
    • Warning
  • Charge V: You violated your Settlement Agreement, approved by the Board on May 6, 2015, by failing to keep the lids to trash cans closed, for which the Board may take action pursuant to D.C. Official Code§ 25-823(a)(6) ... 
    • Warning


Anonymous said...

eh, big deal

Anonymous said...

There is a store right across the street that sells weed (marijuana) and they hit Addis for $11,000 for this small time stuff because its alcohol? DC is a mess. No wonder they won't let us become a state.

Anonymous said...

Too bad, we liked it. Good food, friendly service, and quite a bit cheaper than -- um -- a fancier Ethiopian restaurant on the street. Lately, we had a problem with Addis Ethiopian not being open at posted opening times on weekends.

Coincidentally we just tried Quara Ethiopian restaurant in the 800 block for the first time and liked it. Hope Addis Ethiopian gets things straightened out and reopens.