Thursday, January 17, 2019

Capital Fringe to Host Artist Town Hall Meeting Series


Capital Fringe (1358 Florida Ave. NE) is inviting artists to a series of town hall meetings as part of an information gathering effort for the organization as they plan for programs and services at their Logan Fringe Arts Space. You must RSVP to attend. Information collected at the meetings will be used to generate a public report to be released at the conclusion of the process. Capital Fringe feels that "[a]ll too often, artists don’t have a seat at the table when decisions are made." The group wants to change that, so they are inviting all artists to join them at one (or all) of these town hall meetings. The guiding principle of the Logan is to support artists and creatives at all different stages and from all disciplines from developing to the presentation of their work. Specific information about each of the meetings in available at the links below.

Visual Arts Town Hall – Saturday, Jan. 26 (3–5pm)
Music Town Hall – Saturday, Feb. 16 (3–5pm)
Theatre & Dance Town Hall – Monday, March 11 (7–9pm)
Culinary Arts Town Hall – Saturday, March 30 (3–5pm)

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