Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Blast From the Past

Doing a google search, I came across this old page on Hill Talk (Voice of the Hill Discussion Boards). I've seen this particular page before, but it seemed striking this time to see the posts (which are now around 5 years old) because, not only were many of these posters wanting the same things we want now, but many of the things they fantasized about having on H Street are either here, or coming.


Anonymous said...

H street has made progress since those posts were made in 2001, but there is still room for improvement. Here's my wishlist:
A good diner (I'm picturing the Magnolia Grill in New Orleans - DC is sadly lacking in diners)
A couple of solid sit-down restaurants (say Italian and Continental)
At least one healthy "quick food" option
A bagel place
A bookstore - preferably new and used
An ice cream store (bonus points for gelatto)
A nice home furnishing/furniture store

Is that too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

All I want is a good breakfast joint. The walk to Barracks Row for breakfast is too far, and the places are too froofy. I want a greasy spoon where I can get cheap eggs and potatoes.

Gelato, while delicious, would definite be making H into something it's not. I could go for the other wishlist items in the above comment, though.

Anonymous said...

I have always said when it comes to h street's complete revitalization I will believe it when I see it. People were talking about it in the 80s when they built that mini mall with the rite aid.

Anonymous said...

Check out Birdland for breakfast. Their waffles are delicious and they serve breakfast all day.

inked said...

The H Street Connections is the work of the not-so-legitimate H Street CDC. I'm hoping that the fact that people are watching & involved will help keep things a bit more on the up & up. Also, the economics of the neighborhood & not what they were in the 1980s.

I think I heard that Birdland (1100 block of H Street -closed Sunday mornings)is serving breakfast. That might fit the bill. I have also been told that Tony's Carry-Out (1401 H Street) makes excellent breakfasts (closed on Sundays). These aren't diners, but they are greasy.

As for what is asking too much, or seeking to alter the very personality of a place...this is a tricky question. I'll sort of side step the issue & just say that 14th Street reminds me a lot of H Street. On 14th Street you now have dollar stores, chi-chi furniture stores, a garden store, used furniture stores like Rough & Ready, & trendy stores like Go Mama Go. So let's not presume that the coexistence of stores primarily catering to different socio-economic groups is an impossibility.

Anonymous said...

> All I want is a good breakfast...
> a greasy spoon where I can get
> cheap eggs and potatoes.

Would be nice to have on H Street. But if Union Station is closer than Barracks Row, it could tide you over from starvation in the meantime.

In one out-of-the-way corner of the foodcourt, there's a counter that prepares eggs any way you want. You see the eggs broken with your very own eyes.

Upstairs, Sbarro serves scrambled eggs from a sterile vat.

Anonymous said...

Here here on the bagels & ice cream. Another thing H St. needs is not a circus-themed bar but a cool place like Tryst or Chi-cha where there are couches and you can have a drink or a coffee and talk and do some people watching.

Anonymous said...

This is a great thread. I happily noted that the wishlists in the old posts were, by in large, fulfilled. While 5 years ago we wondered "if" investment would come, now we're griping about the types of bars that are coming to H. Street and calling for more fancy-pants places. And why not? the sky is the limit at this point. I want a proper French bistro with white tableclothes, snooty waiters, perier, good wine and artfully displayed dishes in fatty sauces! Bring it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Birdland tip. I've tried to go to Tony's a few times, since I live a couple of blocks away, but it's been closed every time - on Saturdays too. Perhaps I've just had bad luck. But it's good to know that there is something out there.