Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Technical Difficulties

Please excuse Frozen Tropics today as I am using a friend's computer (due to a complete hard drive failure) & she only has Safari & Blogger apparently doesn't like Safari. So I don't have full functionality here (& it's harder to put everything together because it isn't what I'm used to). So this is kind of handicapped mode today & hopefully the noontime trip to the Apple Store will help get things back on track quickly.


Apparently my hard drive, though seriously ailing & not able to start up at all for the past 48 hours, was not dead enough. The guys at the Apple store fixed it for free (since everything could be done in house & no new parts were required). If anyone is considering purchasing a Mac, you might want to keep that in mind. My Mac was not convered under any warranty & I don't have Apple Care.

1 comment:

dc gal said...

Sweet. Can't get that kind of service with a PC.