Thursday, July 03, 2008

Crown Fried & Gum Speckled



Anonymous said...


but the new concrete aggregate sidewalks will totally eliminate the gum!

cuz brick just attracts it, and it's not historically relevant to the area anyway.

come aggregate concrete, i simply can't wait. *snicker*

tarisdaddy said...

Looks like crap to me. It is an amazing amount of gum in front of that place.

Of course DPW has the gum blaster that burns it off of any surface; brick, aggregate concrete whatever. Guess Crown and H Street don't rate for an abatement.

tarisdaddy said...

I should say no one has probably called whatever the magic number is these days, to request service...
..... Joe that guy with the broom and dust pan needs some help.

8th and El said...

"Guess Crown and H Street don't rate for an abatement."

You can't really blame Crown Fried for the litter problem. That bus stop, with all its super heavy traffic is to blame. I think they should build a shelter on the other side of the street, or lose the parking on that block to extend the sidewalk a little. Who knows, it might clean up that intersection a bit.

Tim said...

If not for the ATM, this could be an old photo from the 60s or 70s. Very nice.

inked said...

Interestingly, you can see in this photo that there are 2 atms at Crown Fried Chicken. One is inside, and one is in the front window.