Tuesday, November 06, 2018

It's Election Day, GO VOTE!


It's Election Day, and it's really important that you head to the polls if you did not vote early. The DC Board of Elections website has all the information you need. If you want to see an example of what your ballot will look like you can do that at Live Ballot (very useful if you want to make sure you know about all the races). It's also always a good idea to make sure you are heading to the correct polling place. Polls are open in DC today from 7am–8pm. If you are running late tonight on your way to vote remember that you have the right to vote if you are in line by 8pm.

Are you planning to same-day register, or need to update your address with DCBOE? You can do so at the polling place assigned to your new address. Bring proof of address with your name on it if you need to do either of these things (update your address, or same-day register), or if you are a first time District voter who registered by mail or online and did not provide proof of address at the time of registration. DCBOE  has a useful FAQ posted online that covers this any many other questions you may have. If you have problems or further questions related to voting today you can call 202-727-2525. To report allegations of election misconduct you can call 202-727-2194.

Looking for an Election Day treat? Head to J.O. Wilson Elementary (660 K St. NE) for the PTA's Election Day Bake Sale starting at 7am.

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