Thursday, November 15, 2018

Krampus is Back on H Street NE to Raise Money for Local Foster Kids Dec. 1st

Krampus will return to prowl the H Street NE Corridor Saturday, Dec. 1. The 7th annual Krampusnacht DC will raise funds for the National Center for Children and Families (NCCF) 505(c)(3). Proceeds from this year's event will pay for 250+ personalized Christmas gifts for kids in the DC foster system.

Join St. Nicholas and Krampus as they decide who among us has been naughty or nice on an evening filled with holiday celebration and much merry making. The night will feature children's activities, photos with the guests of honor, fire and dance performances, a Krampus charity walk, and an afterparty with a DJ and refreshments.

Kick off the evening at Gallery O on H (1354 H St. NE) with a family-friendly reception where kids of all ages can meet Santa Claus, get their faces painted, or make their own Krampus mask. Krampus and Santa will pose for photos. Get into the Festivus spirit with fire artists Pecuilarity Productions and  Foggy Bottom Morris Men (lively traditional folk dance). Post-reception Batalá Washington will set the captive with their distinctive beats as they lead Jolly Ole St. Nick and Krampus down H Street NE for a short Krampuslauf charity walk. Once that's done you can return to Gallery O on H for more performances, sponsor giveaways, costume contests for kids and adults. Stick around until 9pm for the 21+ after-party featuring the music from DC Scruggz.

The reception and charity walk with Krampus are free, but a $15 donation is suggested (it's for foster kids!). Beat the entry line by buying your $15 ticket online ahead of time. Costumes (or any reasonable efforts towards one) are highly encouraged. Bring an upwrapped gift to the the reception (something appropriate for kids) and get a free ticket that could win you a door prize.

Santa's Cause D.C. Benefit Reception (5pm)
Krampuslauf Charity Walk (7:15pm)
      -Start: 1354 H St, NE (Gallery O on H)
      -East on H Street to 14th & H
      -Cross H st. head west on H Street to 12th & H
      -Cross H St., stop at 12th & H for break
      -Continue east to return to Gallery O on H
After party at Gallery O on H 21+ (9pm)

The mission of the National Center for Children and Families (NCCF) is to create total, healthy living environments for vulnerable children, youth and families, and the quality of life which empowers their ability to thrive and demonstrate responsibility. For those who cannot attend can send text to 71777 to make a tax deductible donation directly to NCCF.

Krampusnacht DC, is an inclusive community event allowing the creative types to celebrate the holiday season with a twist while raising funds for a terrific cause. Having originated in 2012 with a small group of friends who enjoy creating folkloric costuming, Krampusnacht DC quickly has grown into a dedicated group of organizers and performers who volunteer their time and talents. The magic and enjoyment of Krampus is supported by local business such as Awesome Con, Biergarten Haus, Capital Fringe, Cusbah , Crunkcakes, Danger Delicious Pies, D.C. Brau, Frozen Tropics Blog, Gallery O on H, Impala Cantina y Taquria, Little Miss Whiskeys, Palace Productions, The Pug, Rock and Roll Hotel, Smith Commons, Pow Pow, & the Queen Vic.

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