Tuesday, February 28, 2006


1300 block of H Street.

Property Assessments Continue Sky Rocketing

Last year Trinidad had the city's highest increase at 33%. This year our assessments increased by an average of 47%! I don't know if that's the city's highest increase. The District also recorded large jumps in property assessments for portions of Southeast. Check out the Post article here.

Monday, February 27, 2006

DCist: Robberies Near Gallaudet

DCist featured this (slightly histrionic, I think) post on robberies of college students surrounding Gallaudet.

Neighborhood Meet & Greet @R&B Coffee

If you live on Florida or Morse, between Montello & Orren (or if you live on Montello, Trinidad, or Orren between Florida & Morse) you are invited to a neighborhood meet & greet. This is a great chance to get to know your neighbors & find out what's going on in your immediate area.

When: 2pm Sunday March 5th.
Where: R&B Coffee 1359 H Street NE.

TIC Garden Club Gearing Up For Spring

It's still pretty cold out, but the Trinidad-Ivy City Garden Club is starting to think about Spring. The club will start holding regular meetings again soon. More info will be posted as it becomes availble. This is a photo of a crocus from our fall bulb planting.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Check out the Photo Sets

I've given up the linking to individual photo posts in the sidebar. I've replaced those links with links to my flickr photosets. These are all works in progress, but they are worth a look. I've linked to photosets for:
Trinidad, H Street, the Wholesale Food District, the H Street Farmers Market & the Trinidad-Ivy City Garden Club. Please take a peek. They have slideshow settings & you can speed up the show by mousing in the upper right & reducing the time each shot is shown.

VOH: Ambrose Says Clarify Zoning Regs

The Voice of the Hill describes a recent neighborhood meeting where Councilmember Ambrose (Ward 6) called for clarification of the zoing regulations. Ambiguity in the zoning regulations (& uneven enforcement) impact many neighborhood issues. For instance, the proposed H Street singles moratorium & the disputes over the definition of fast food restaurants both hinge on interepretations of the zoning rules.

Update on Former ANC Comm. Hall Trial

The Voice of the Hill continues to chronicle the goings on in the trial of former ANC Commissioner Robert Hall. Hall was indicted last year on various charges surrounding a ponzi scheme he stands accused of masterminding. Recently Hall fired his third attorney, & he is now representing himself in court. Apparently, one of his co-conspirators has accepted a plea bargain & testified against Hall.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Reviving the Revival

An historic church at 11th & H Street gets a little touch-up.

Details on Shooting on West Virginia Yesterday

The Post has a story on yesterday's shooting (involving an off-duty officer) at West Virgina & Neal.

"Atlas District" Website

The Atlas District is a name that has been tossed around a bit as a way to give the area (the 1200-1400 blocks of H Street) sort of a catchy nickname (that you could instantly associate with the Atlas Performing Arts Center, and thus the "arts district" on H Street). The not yet built Ghostbus link probably refers to the still in the making plans for a branded bus (i.e. not a metro bus) that could move H Street visitors from Union Station to The various H Street attractions. Check out the website here.

New Website for Dr. Granville Moore's Brickyard

AKA "The Brickyard." 1238 H Street. It isn't open yet, but it will serve Belgian food & Belgian beers.

The Beehive Introduces New Website

See it here. The Beehive is still undergoing a little construction, but the site can give you a taste of things to come. Located at 1224 H Street, the Beehive will serve Mexican inspired dishes.

The Pug Introduces New Website

Check it out here, and thanks to Brian for the tip. The Pug is a boxing themed bar that is hoping to open soon at 1234 H Street.

Gala Swing Dance & Auction @The Atlas

Please join the Capital City Symphony for our

Gala Swing Dance and Silent Auction
at the Altas Performing Arts Center
1333 H Street, NE
Saturday, March 25
7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Advance Tickets are $35 per person or $60 for a couple.
Call the Atlas Box Offics for tickets at (202) 399-7993
If you buy a tickert my March 10, you will receive a free swing dance class by Joy of Motion at 6 p.m. on March 25.

Come dance, drink and party for the arts in your neighborhood!

H Street Streetscape Review of Draft Plans

From the listserv:

Review of Draft Construction Documents

STREETSCAPE: Constructing the....
REVIVAL: H Street NE Revitalization Plan

WHAT: Open house reviewing DDOT's draft construction drawings for streetscape and transit enhancements for H Street NE from 3rd Street to the Starburst intersection.

WHEN: Tuesday, March 7, 2006
5:30pm - 8:30pm (open house format)

WHERE: H Street Playhouse
1365 H Street NE

WHO: District Department of Transportation
Karina Ricks (202-671-2542 or karina.ricks@dc.gov or Chris Delfs (202-671-1159 or christopher.delfs@dc.gov )
Karina Ricks
Great Streets Project Coordinator
District Department of Transportation
2000 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009

p. 202-671-2542

S and S Shoe Repair for Sale

Shoes 2

Apparently, S and S Shoe Repair (1100 block of H Street) is up for sale.

For more info:

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Englert Rumor

I've heard that a couple more of the Joe Englert associated places might be opening up within the next week or two. I'm guessing the Bee Hive & either The Red & the Black, or the Pug (but these are just guesses).


WTOP: District Short of Recycling Goals

According to recents reports, the District still has a long way to go to reach its goal of 45% participation in the city's recycling program. DC has a pretty good recycling program (in my opinion), they pick up recycling once a week & you don't even need to sort your items (though items should be clean & you must rinse bottles & cans). The issue seems to be one of people's personal habits, and personal habits are hard to change. I remember attending a psa meeting where people complained about residents using the recycling cans, which are clearly market as for recyclables only, for trash disposal. The complainers were blaming DPW for the problem. Personally, I don't think DPW is at fault for this one. I suspect that most people are familiar with the recycling symbol (even if they couldn't/didn't read the instructions that came with the new cans). If people are still unfamiliar with the symbol, or if they just don't care enough to refrain from stuffing that can with trash, I'm not sure what kind of public education program is going to be effective. Creating habits when people are young is probably a good step, but again, difficult since you can't actually be in people's homes.

Post: Tampering in Trinidad Related Trial

The Post has an interesting story on likely jury tampering in the case of a man who allegely beat & kicked another man to death over a dice game played in an alley behind Holbrook Street (in 2002). The original defendant, Lamiek Fortson, allegedly conspired with his wife and an old acquaintance (who wound up in the jury pool by chance) to fix the case.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

House Collapses on Morse

Morse (1300 block)
The house with the red boards took the plunge Monday night.

Check out this article & video from NBC4, photos are available in the Images in the News section of the site. A house in the 1200 block of Morse Street fell over last night & ended up in a pit being dug at a condo construction site. See my photos of the site yesterday (post collapse).

The view from the alley.

Post on Problem Oriented Policing

Rebuilding Place has a great post on problem oriented policing in DC. Definitely worth a read.

H Street Main Street Merchant Coffee Hour

Wednesday February 22, 2006
9:00 am - 10:00 am

Event Location: R&B Coffee, 1359 H Street, NE
Notes: Meet the business owners who are dedicated to the success of our commercial corridor. Learn about committees and projects to get involved with for the year. Share your vision of the future of the H Street Main Street, Inc. organization.

Police to Increase H Street Footbeats

From the listserv:
* H STREET NE FOOTBEATS will increase, as reported during the Feb. 14 Police Service Area (PSA) 102 monthly meeting.

Currently, a dayshift footbeat (Ofc. A. Williams) happens from 6:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. Part of this officer's job is to communicate with H Street NE merchants.

First District Capt. Jeff Brown said, starting this month, PSA 102 will add an evening footbeat to H Street with two officers. The new shift will run from 2:30-11 p.m.

A Couple of Missed Events

I didn't know about these ahead of time, but I wanted to mention them just to give you an idea how much stuff there really is going on down on H Street.

Saturday @Sanctuary:
-1355 H Street NE.
-a dj powered dance night from 10pm-5am.

Monday @R&B Coffee (12-3pm):
-1359 H Street NE.
-Lunch with Ambrose Lane from 12:15-2pm.
-The well known local radio personality (WPFW Pacifica) was on hand to discuss The
Color of Money: DC's Divisions
with several special guests.
-Jazz, Poetry & Jewelry w/A. B. Spellman & Bill Washburn 2-3pm.

New @ the H Street Playhouse

Haroun & the Sea of Stories, by Salman Rushdie opens March 2nd at the Playhouse. The play tells the story of a master storyteller who loses his ability to tell tales when his wife leaves him. The storyteller dwells in a city full of despair & all is lost until his son goes on a quest to find the mythical Sea of Stories. The son discovers that, in this new land, his father's stories are not only true, but very much alive.
Check out the H Street Playhouse's complete list of coming attractions here.

Joe Cole Fitness Center

1200 block of Morse.

Monday, February 20, 2006

VOH: Illegal Mechanics=Big Costs for Autozone

Frustrated neighbors have long complained about Autozone's willingness to look the other way when unlicensed mechanics repair cars in its parking lot. Now, ANC6A has convinced city agencies to target Autozone more agressively in order to force compliance with existing laws. Check out the Voice of the Hill article here.

Photos from the Happening

I didn't have my camera with me, but a few other people did, & you can see some photos here. Most of these are less photos & more digital images from the online version of R&B Coffee. In the real world, the event was packed. I don't know the actual numbers, but there was a large crowd that turned out for the poetry, music, dancing & visual art. It was quite a night.

A History in Brick & Concrete

Decades of change are evident in some of the buildings in the wholesale food district.

Baitful Khair Move & Addition

The new home of Baitful Khair (& former home of Mo's Conveniance).

The store Baitful Khair (which sells clothing oils, incense & Islamic books) is relocating from its original home in the 1300 block of H Street & has moved into this empty space on the corner of 13th & H Street (1200 block). Occupying Baitful Khair's old spot will be a store (I beleive under the same ownership) that primarily sells Islamic books.

Friday, February 17, 2006

CP: Problems @Langston Community Library

Here's a City Paper article on issues at the Langston Community Library.

A Variety of Styles

The 1100 block of H Street.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Mardi Gras @ Phish Tea

Phish Tea -Dusk
The Louisiana Network, a Washington, DC-based nonprofit organization comprised of natives of the state of Louisiana, is hosting a local Mardi Gras Celebration in honor of our New Orleans heritage and traditions. Boasting one the city's most authentic celebrations, the LA Network's 'Fat Tuesday' event will be held at Phish Tea Café, 1335 H Street, NE, on Tuesday, February 28, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. The event
is $15 for non-LA Network members; and proceeds will benefit the LA Network and its ongoing hurricane relief efforts.

Established in 1999 to assist Louisiana natives relocating to the Washington Metropolitan area, the LA Network has evolved into an outreach organization providing both a professional network and a social outlet to a membership of several hundred. Immediately following Hurricane Katrina, the LA Network initiated a campaign to help
displaced residents of Louisiana who relocated to Washington, DC, and surrounding jurisdictions. The LA Network extends a special invitation to New Orleans evacuees currently residing in the DC Metropolitan Area to join them on Fat Tuesday at Phish Tea Café.

DCist on the Happening @ R&B Coffee

R&B Coffee
Check out what DCist has to say about this upcoming event at R&B Coffee (1359 H Street). I'll be showing a few neighborhood photos there, so I will be around all night & I hope to see lots of neighborhood residents turn out to support some great causes (& also to show visitors from other parts of DC exactly how great H Street can be). Tickets (available now for $20, or $25 at the door -get them at R&B Coffee). I think this could be one hell of an event. They will have a few different t-shirts for sale if you want something by which to remember the evening (or you could buy some art -half the money from all art sold goes to the good causes).

Also, check out this great link on the Happening event on the Second Life Future Salon (includes a partial virtual rendering of H Street). Also see the Make Zine: Technology on Your Own Time.

The Happening @ R&B Coffee

I just an email saying that R&B Coffee's (1359 H Street NE) event ("The Happening") was mentioned on a major tech website slashdot. The event is this Saturday from 6:30-1am & will feature a variety of attractions. There will be poetry, live jazz, photography, paintings, 2 djs, a film, a projection of the digital R&B Coffee (courtesy of Electric Sheep) from the Second Life online video game (there will actually be guy there demostrating his homemade wearable virtual reality glove & headset) & much more. Tickets are on sale now at R&B Coffee ($20 in advance & $25 at the door). The money goes to a few good causes, one of which is an arts fund for East DC (the others are Advocates for Justice & Education & Rocket Guild).


Correction on PSA 504 Meeting Sat

The meeting is being held at the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services 1000 Mt. Olivet Road (not at the Developing Families Center). The MPD website is wrong.

When: 10am Saturday Feb 18th.

What: Monthly police service area meeting.

Arson @ 12th & E Street

There was a fire in 1200 block of E Street this morning. The fire was reportely the result of a molotov cocktail thrown thrown into a back stairwell. A woman was trapped on the the second floor, but escape when neighbors convinced her jump from her window. She suffered a broken collar bone, but is said to be otherwise ok. Her cat also escaped unharmed. This apparently the second time someone has attempted to set fire to this house in the last few days.

Post: The Future of Rent Control in DC

Check out this Post piece on dueling proposals for changing the way rent control works in DC.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Website for Trinidad

Hey, someone is trying to set up a website for Trinidad. He's soliciting comments for content. What do people think? Feel free to leave feedback/ideas as comments here.

Florida & Montello

The future daycare.

Dog Disease Appears Near 15th & H Street

Check out this article from the Examiner on a contagious dog disease that has shown up in the District recently (7 cases, in DC & at least one case in the area close to Hechinger Mall).

Questions About the Capitol Hill Historic District

Take a look at Richard's post from Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space. He talks about the Capitol Hill Restoration Society & mentions that it may have a possible interest in expanding the Capitol Hill Historic District all the way north to H Street. Richard is basically asking where the line should be drawn.

"Strip Clubs" in Ward 5

The following was forwarded to several listservs & was written in response to a citizen complaint about "stip bars" possibly locating in Ward 5. As you can see, the response from the Councilmember is that such clubs cannot locate outside the central business district. I'm pretty sure this was also the conclusion reached a while back when there was a misapprehension that Joe Englert's Show Bar would be some kind of strip club (it's not a strip club). But zoning laws are complicated and confusing.

In a message dated 02/13/2006 8:40:44 AM Eastern Standard Time, jim@grahamwone.com writes:
Thanks. As it turns out, they cannot move anywhere but the central
business district. And Ward 5 was never referenced in the bill that I
withdrew. CM Jim Graham

I typically answer emails before 9 AM on weekdays. If you email me after
that, it is likely that you will hear from me the next weekday. If there
is a need to communicate prior to that, you may wish to call me.

Jim Graham, Councilmember, Ward One, 1350 Pa. Ave., NW, #105,
Washington, DC 20004. 202-724-8181; 202-724-8109 (fax).

Chairman, Committee on Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. Main Committee
Number: 202-724-8198. 1350 Pa. Ave., NW, #112, Washington, DC 20004.

Website: www.grahamwone.com

Home Renovation?

I thought that I had added this link to the side bar a while back, but I guess I never did. it certainly worth checking out houseblogs.net. Houseblogs.net is main site with feeds for blogs all about specific houses (usually because the owners are renovation). Not only can you find good info in the blogs (or ask houseblogs.net a question), but, if you are renovating (of if you ever have) it's kind of fun just to see other people in the same boat.

Post: DC Schools May Cut Teachers/Staff

Here's something from the Post no more efforts to reign in costs for the DC public schools.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Can't Hide the Color

1200 block of Florida NE.

Speaking of Neighborhood Naming...

I saw this New York Times article on attempt to rename the L.E.S. & thought of some of the recent discussion of neighborhood names around here.

PSA 504 Meeting Saturday

PSA: Police service area community meeting for the PSA that contains Trinidad.

When: 10 Saturday Feb 18th

Where: The Developing Families Center (801 17th Street NE)


12th & Florida.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Baitul Khair

I noticed that there is a sign up where Mo's Conveniance used to be (corner of 13th & H Street). Apparently, Baitul Khair that sells oils, incense, Islamic tapes, ect. down the street (1300 block of H) is relocating to this space. Anyone know if something is moving into the current space.

The Short-Lived Snow

1200 block of Florida Ave NE.

Rumor re: 1216 Mount Olivet

A rumor is circulating that 1216 Mt. Olivet has been sold. 1216 Mt. Olivet was one of the sites mentioned at Vincent Orange's recent emergency meeting about strip clubs possibly coming to the area.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Info on Development @ the Florida Market

photo of the fish room at Kang's Farms in the wholesale food district

Someone sent me this link on development at the Florida Ave Market (4th & Florida Ave NE). The page talks about plans for a YMCA & an ampitheater (these don't sound like much of a fit to me). The redevelopment plan for the area is supposed to include the existing market. Also see this article from the Common Denominator.

Has anyone been to the Italian Market in Philadelphia? The Italian Market is great because it remains very much a real market (not excessively Disneyfied), but has a few cafes & coffee shops. I love it because you can buy all kinds of stuff there (it has a couple of great cheese shops) & it's just a really fun way to spend a morning/afternoon.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Health & Info Fair @ Joe Cole Fitness Center

What: A health & information fair. Light refreshments served. Giveaways. Out of school youth & summer job enrollment.

When: Tuesday February 14th from 12pm-3pm

Where: Joe Cole Fitness Center (1200 Morse Street)

Screenings for:
-Cardiac & blood pressure
-Diabetes & glucose levels

Services & info on:
-foot care
-rapid HIV tests
-Dept Public Works
-Dept Human Services
-Dept of Transportation
-and much more

Sponsored by the ward 5 Core Team & featuring appearances by:
-Dept of Mental Health
-Financial Crisis Center
-Whitman Walker Clinic
-National Capital Asthma Coalition
-DC Emergency Management
-Health Services for Children w/Special Needs
-DC Birth Center
-Dept of Employment Services
-Legal Aid Society
-National Housing Corporation Learning Center
-and many more

Contact Yahaira Liriana (202-671-0726) for more info.

Groundbreaking for New Community Center

What: A groundbreaking ceremony for the new community educational development center at 1601 Montello Ave (a former liquor store).

Where:Joe Cole Fitness Center (1200 Morse Street)

When: 11am Saturday Feb 18th (lunch served at 11:30am)

Sponsored by:
Trinidad Concerned Citizens for Reform ("TCCR")
Capitol Area Minority Contractors & Business Associates
Children & Youth Investment Trust Cooperation
D.C. Fix It, Inc.
D.C. Dept of Human Services
D.C. Dept of Parks & Recreation
Developing Families, Inc.
Love Event Center
Vision D.C.

call: 202-397-1596 (TCCR) for info

Friday, February 10, 2006

VOH: Hall Trial Details

You do not want to miss this Voice of the Hill article on the trial of former ANC 6C Commissioner Robert Hall. Mr. Hall was indicted, along with current ANC 6C Commissioner Anthony Rivera and one other man, for a variety of crimes steming from his alleged involvement in a Ponzi scheme that promised investors profits from a revitalization project in the Trinidad neighborhood.
The trial, which commenced on the 6th of this month, promises to be an exciting one. Mr. Hall has fired his attorney and is representing himself. There is a long list of potential witnesses that includes, not only ANC Commissioners, but also city officials, including Councilmembers Kwame Brown & Marion Barry.

VOH: Effort to Recall Indicted Commissioner

The Voice of the Hill offers this article on the attempt to recall Commissioner Anthony Rivera. Rivera was indicted by the DOJ on a variey of charges & could face fines & a lengthy prison term if convicted.

Gray Day @ 5th & H Street.

500 block of H Street.

Raphael Marshall Wins ANC 6A01 Seat

Raphael Marshall won last night's election for ANC Commissioner for SMD 6A01. He was sworn in at the meeting. Marshall replaces Robyn Holden, who resigned from her seat.

PSA 102 Meeting Feb. 14th

WHAT: Police Service Area (PSA) 102 monthly meeting
WHEN: Feb. 14 (2nd Tuesday of each month)
TIME: 7-8:30 p.m.
WHERE: Sherwood Recreation Center, 640 10th St NE

Please tell your friends and neighbors. And bring your Valentine to this month's meeting! Candy will be provided!

* Meet new PSA 102 Lt. Sharon Mcinnis and Capt. Jeff Brown.

* Learn about H Street foot patrols (current day shift and newly established night patrol).

* Review crime statistics and trends.

* Identify problem areas in PSA 102 which citizens can remedy through the Partnership for Problem Solving (PPS) process.

BOUNDRIES of PSA 102 are (clockwise) the railroad tracks at Union Station, Florida Avenue NE, Maryland Avenue NE, 9th Street, East Capitol Street, 2nd Street, Massachusetts Avenue, and Columbus Circle.

BE INFORMED about PSA 102 by joining the NELink listserv. (NELink recently was moved to Google groups from Yahoo, so please re-join):

MORE INFORMATION about the First District and its seven PSAs is available at the
Metropolitan Police Department website.

QUESTIONS can be answered by PSA 102 Citizen Coordinators:
Marc Lesnick: 202-543-3736 (marc_lesnick@yahoo.com)
David Klavitter: 202-547-5745 (a klav@questforquiet.org)
Alphonso C. Coles, MPD Community Outreach Coordinator: 202-497-5033

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Press Release re: V. Orange's Emergency Meeting

Sorry for not posting this earlier, but I only saw it for the first time today.




Date: February 6, 2006
Contact: Estell Lloyd - (202)724-8028


On Friday, February 3, 2006, with seventy-four Yes, two No and two Undecided votes residents in an emergency meeting through a stand-up voice-vote overwhelmingly supported Councilmember Orange to reject relocation of a Ward Six nude strip club to 1216 Mt. Olivet Road in Ward Five. The legislation will be introduced as an emergency at tomorrow's February 7th Legislative Session.

Among the Ward Five residents at the emergency meeting held in Bethesda Baptist Church were Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners from each commission, civic association presidents, religious leaders and a host of concerned citizens. The strong sentiments expressed by those in attendance against possible relocation of the club as part of Council's Bill 16-0589,
is to prevent these type of establishments from taking hold in a community already plagued with other crime-related and economic issues.

Councilmember Orange reviewed Bill 16-0589, introduced by Councilmember Graham and co-sponsored by nine other councilmembers. The Bill is to "permit a one-time transfer, within a time certain, of licensee establishments, which permit nude dancing, displaced by development on or near the ballpark footprint."

Ivy City and Trinidad residents wanted to go on record that they will not accept their community becoming the "dumpsite" for anything not accepted in other District communities. During the meeting efforts by the owner of the displaced clubs to gain community support for his establishment were soundly rejected leaving no room for compromise by angry citizens.

For more information about the February 7th Legislative Session, contact
Estell Lloyd at (202) 724-8028.

HSMS Volunteer Sign-Up @R&B Saturday

H Street Main Street Volunteer Sign-up Open House

When: Saturday February 11, 2006 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Where: R&B Coffee (1359 H Street NE)

Ward 5 Constituent Services Mtg In March

What: 7TH Annual Ward 5 Constituent Services Summit
When: Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:30am until 4:00pm
Where: Trinity University-125 Michigan Avenue, NE

Post Article on H Street Transportation

Here's another Post article on H Street. Nothing new in this one.

Hen Lung Laundry

1300 block of H Street. This sign is old, but it's still up there.

ANC6A Meeting Tonight

What: ANC6A's monthly meeting
When: 7:00pm
Where: Miner Elementary School (601 15th Street, NE)

Tonight's meeting is particularly special because an election will take place at the meeting to fill the ANC 6A-01 position vacated by Robyn Holden. For more info on the meeting, see the comments for this post (I'm pasting a comment that Commissioner Fengler left earlier this morning -before I had posted this).

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Quest for Quiet Enjoys a Lilttle Peace

Copyright © 2006. David Klavitter

The local blog Quest for Quiet (covering the amplified preachers at 8th & H Street) continues to deliver quality photos and information documenting the issue. It looks like nearby residents recently had a quite evening (at least something good comes out of cold/rainy winter weather).

ANC 6C Meeting Tonight

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6C Monthly Meeting

Wednesday February 8, 2006
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
This event repeats on the second Wednesday of every month.
Monthly meeting of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6C, which includes the neighborhood (roughly) east of 8th Street NE up to 6th Street NW, from Florida Avenue on the north to East Capitol and the National Mall on the south. Mt. Airy Baptist Church--1100 North Capitol NW.

I-Hip-Hop & Go Go Opens on H Street

I-Hip-Hop & Go Go has filled the space vacated by Urban Legends (1100 block of H Street).

State Farm Opens on H Street

I'd seen the canopy on the side, but now it appears that State Farm Insurance has fully set-up on the corner of 6th & H Street (right above Taste of Jamaica).

Abdo with Crane

3rd & H Street.

Post: Council Promises $$ for School

Check out this Post article on yesterday's commitment by the Council to allocate $100 million to the schools in an attempt to fix the ailing system.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Wash Blade: Opposition to Move of Gay Clubs

This link is to the paper's blog, so if it doesn't take to the article, just click on "the latest" & scroll until you find the piece. This article from the Washington Blade describes the emergency meeting called by Ward 5 Councilmember Vincent Orange last Friday regarding the possible relocation of 1-2 gay oriented businesses (possibly clubs) to the Ivy City neighborhood. A few ANC Commissioners are briefly quoted, including Kathy Henderson, who stressed that her opposition to any new clubs, or strip bars would stem from concerns about disorder & other spill-over issues such businesses can generate, and not from the fact that these businesses would cater to a gay clientele. One can only hope that the unidentified male audience member (who identified himself as a youth counselor) just mispoke when he used the word beastilality to describe what he thought would go on in such businesses.

Post: Developers & DC Deal on Properties

Also of interest in this Post article on DC & Developers looking at possible disposal of surplus DC properties in exchange for libraries, schools & money. Consider the recent meeting about building a new library, retail, & housing on the site of H Street's modular R. l. Christian library.

Post: School $ Spent on Buildings

Check out this Post article on DC school spending on building maintenance. DC schools have had a major drop in enrollment over the last several years, leaving lots of school buildings under used & starting people talking about disposing of the excess spaces. It makes you wonder if Trinidad's Wheatley Elementary (which the city is theoretically renovating) really will ever re-open as a school. These photos of Wheatley are from last fall, but the trash is still there, and the water is pretty much a constant (or at least a recurring theme).


Monday, February 06, 2006

George's Place

1000 block of H Street.

Harris Teeter/H Street in the News

Here's link to a report on new grocery stores in DC. It references the Harris Teeter letter of interest for the former BP site at 3rd & H NE.

DCist: Englert Activity on H Street

Here's a link to a post on DCist (this past Friday) discussing the new Joe Englert associated places on H Street. Oh yeah, the title of the post? "Trinidad is Rad."

Post: Fed Funds for DC Libraries?

According to the Post, President Bush is proposing that the federal government put $30 million into a plan for the DC library system.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Auto Body

Florida & Staples.

A Few Notes on V. Orange's Meeting

I spoke with Whilhelmina Lawson, a Commissioner from ANC 5B. She attended the meeting called by Vincent Orange Friday night. Here's what she had to say (these are her recollections):

1. Robert Siegel is looking to open 2 places in the area (one of the possible locations is 1216 Mt. Olivet).
2. Around 100 people attended the meeting.
3. The meeting was a response to legislation from Jim Graham for relocating businesses displaced by the baseball stadium. (Comm. Lawson said Graham no longer plans to introduce this particular legislation on Tuesday).
4. Most attendees originally thought the strip clubs (the wording on V. Orange's flyer) would feature female dancers and cater to a primarily straight clientele. Most attendees opposed the opening of such businesses in the neighborhood.
5. Many attendees were even more upset when they learned that these would be businesses featuring dancing males and catering to a primarily gay male clientele.

My comments:

-Only a tiny bit of (the nearby portion of) Mt. Olivet is zoned C-2-A (what most of the H Street Corridor is also zoned).
-Another tiny portion (in Ivy City) is zoned C-M-1, like all of Ivy City.
-The rest of nearby Mt. Olivet is zoned R-4 (residential, like most of Trinidad).
-Current zoning regulations (you can get exemptions to various zoning regs) state that sexually oriented businesses must be located 300 feet from other sexually oriented businesses & 600 feet from any: residence, special purpose district, church, school, library, or playground.

1300 Block of H Street (Looking West)


Post: More $s For DC Schools Likely

Check out this Post article on the likely boost in funding for DC schools. The article features a few comments from Marc Borbely (a Commissioner in ANC 6A, former teacher in the DC public schools, & the keeper of the website fixourschools.net).

Saturday, February 04, 2006

More on V. Orange's Emergency Meeting

Check out this post from Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space (Richard did not attend the meeting, but he wrote this after he learned what the meeting was about) on last night's emergency meeting called by Vincent Orange on stopping strip clubs from coming to Mt. Olivet. If anyone did attend the meeting, please either post a comment telling us how it went, or email me & I'll post your comments/summary (you can remain anonymous if you wish). The meeting was held in response to legislation from Jim Graham intended to help the businesses displaced by the baseball stadium relocate. As Richard points out, the warehouse Siegel mentions is in Ivy City (on West Virginia Ave).

Friday, February 03, 2006

Rock and Roll Hotel Website Up & Running

It's still a work in progress, but check it out here.

Orange Calls Emergency Mtg Re: Strip Clubs




I checked the Council calendar, but could not identify what legislation this meeting might be concerning. I called Vincent Orange's office & they don't know anything. The said that they just heard about the legislation yesterday around 4:45pm. They don't know the name of the legislation, the type of legislation, or if it is on the schedule. The only info they have is that there is a flyer, they sent out the flyer, & more details will be available tonight at the meeting. To me, this sounds like a zoning thing. I don't think that there are any strip clubs planning to come to Mt. Olivet. But I do think that Mr. Orange is running for Mayor.

Wheatley Elementary

1200 block of Neal Street.

Effort to Recall Indicted ANC Commissioner

Some residents in ANC 6C05 are now seeking to recall their indicted ANC Commissioner. Anthony Rivera was recently indicted, along with the Commissioner he replaced (Rob Hall) & a Maryland man, by the DOJ on a number of charges. All three men could face fines & decades of imprisionment if found guilty. Resident Alan Kimber, who ran for Commissioner last times around, but lost to Mr. Rivera, is leading the drive.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

2 Exits

Joseph Cole Fitness Center (1200 block of Morse).

The Happening @ R&B Coffee

R&B Coffee has updated their site (so you can now read all about "the Happening"). The Happening is this really unique event that will feature poetry, paintings, photographs, jazz, djs & much more. I believe the plan is to rent a tent for the back alley to enlarge the capcity, as well as to obtain a temporary license to serve alcohol for the night. The even runs from 6:30-1:00am & benefits Advocates for Justice, Rockguild, & the new East DC Fund (an arts fund for East DC). Be sure to check it out (it's exciting for H Street & it's for a good cause) on Saturday February 18th.


Tickets now on sale @ R&B Coffee (1359 H Street NE).
Despite what the website says, this event is not 18+.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Roll Call: New H St. Takes Shape

Hey, there is a great article in Roll Call on the development on H Street. They interview a number of people, but mostly focus on Anwar Saleem (head of H Street Main Street). Here's the info on the article (which does require a subscrition for access):

New H St. Takes Shape

February 1, 2006
By Tom Gottlieb,
Roll Call Staff

Even if you can't read the article, I think it's still nice to know that H Street is getting so much good press recently.

All Cash

In front of Wheatley.

Common Demominator: Streetcars

Via the listserv comes this Common Denominator article on H Street streetcars. In the article, Commissioner Joe Fengler makes the hopeful (and somewhat ambitious, but then they are laying tracks this fall) prediction that H Street will have streetcars running in 24 months. That sounds like a pretty fast moving, but not impossible if the city is really motivated, schedule.